How Many Calories Do YOU Eat?



  • Obstinate07
    I force myself to eat at least 1600 everday, even though i should be eating 1900-2000 calories
  • ShanaJo87
    ShanaJo87 Posts: 76 Member
    right now i am at 1200-1500... my goal is at 1420
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member
    around 1400 to 1800 and I work out hard just to be able to lol

    hahaha love it! me too, but I'm rarely at the lower end of that. 1400 leaves me grumpy. :)
  • MomMel65
    MomMel65 Posts: 47 Member
    1500 to 1600; though according to the calculators I'm supposed to eat 2200, but that is just too many. I found that once I cut out the junk food and ate healthy, and healthy portions, I don't have these crazy hunger pangs, or room for 2200 calories. But I'm just easing into my exercise program, so probably the more I start moving, the more hungry I'll get?? I dunno! That was probably more info than you wanted!
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    between 1700-2200
  • briehill
    I eat between 900-1,100. I am trying to up it to 1200 but never hungry

    I've been having that problem too, but I'm trying to make sure I eat at least 1200 although there are days that I just can't seem to make it there. I was at 1199 today, but dang it I'm not hungry. Why does exercise sometimes make it so you're not hungry??? Seems contrary.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    My total daily expenditure is about 1487 calories. I'm trying to lose weight so I aim to eat between 800-1100 calories a day, with a hopeful average of 900.

    Of course my actual achievement of that varies slightly.

    900 a day isn't enough, you should be eating 1200 bare minimum. Your body can't survive on that little fuel.

    Do you have any qualifications? Not everybody needs the same amount of calories to function. Just because MFP says eat 1200 or you will starve and get fat doesn't make it true. I am eating at a 500 calorie deficit, I don't get tired during the day at all. As soon as I start to feel fatigue or exhaustion throughout my day then I will increase my calorie intake. But that's just me and my knowledge of my body mixed with quite a bit of research surrounding nutrition and weight loss.

    All I know is that eating that little can't be good for you. How do you get all your nutrients? What is your BMR? My body needs at least 1350 cals a day just to function. If I give it 500 less than that on a continual basis, something bad has got to happen. Keep an eye on it. I'm not a doctor, or an expert, nor do I claim to be. Just my opinion, and it seems to be a popular one around here.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member

    Haha, thanks but I'm done now.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I eat around 1,600 sometimes up to 2,000 :)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    More on some days, less on others but an average of about 1650.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    I eat around the 1400-1800 range.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If i took a total average of gross calories, it'd be around 2,000 - 2,200.
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    My total daily expenditure is about 1487 calories. I'm trying to lose weight so I aim to eat between 800-1100 calories a day, with a hopeful average of 900.

    Of course my actual achievement of that varies slightly.

    900 a day isn't enough, you should be eating 1200 bare minimum. Your body can't survive on that little fuel.

    Do you have any qualifications? Not everybody needs the same amount of calories to function. Just because MFP says eat 1200 or you will starve and get fat doesn't make it true. I am eating at a 500 calorie deficit, I don't get tired during the day at all. As soon as I start to feel fatigue or exhaustion throughout my day then I will increase my calorie intake. But that's just me and my knowledge of my body mixed with quite a bit of research surrounding nutrition and weight loss.

    All I know is that eating that little can't be good for you. How do you get all your nutrients? What is your BMR? My body needs at least 1350 cals a day just to function. If I give it 500 less than that on a continual basis, something bad has got to happen. Keep an eye on it. I'm not a doctor, or an expert, nor do I claim to be. Just my opinion, and it seems to be a popular one around here.

    It's popular because a lot of people on here take what MFP says as gospel truth. I have calculated my daily expenditure using 4 different formulas. MFP is aimed at people of all sizes. Yes, for someone who is obese or overweight less than 1200 calories is not enough and will make them sick. I only have to carry 52kg over 170cm, an f load less than most people here. At 1200 calories a day I would only be at a deficit of 200 calories, which would achieve almost nothing. I try to eat lots of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and grains everyday. I aim to get 30% of my calories from protein, 25% from fat and to stay between 1000-1500mg of sodium intake each day. These are all perfectly healthy practices and when I do these things I feel healthy and good about myself. I do not have an active lifestyle or the time to exercise vigourously and I drink a lot on weekends because I'm young so I take license to drink to excess if I want. You can't judge the health of someone based on one number when they are otherwise a complete stranger to you. You can see in my profile picture what my body looks like, doesn't seem to me as though I am wasting away. I'm not in the dreaded "starvation mode" either. Here is a website on plateaus and here is another one outlining things like BMR, total energy expenditure, nutrition, and starvation mode .

    The more you read the more you know. Critical thinking is an important part of life and we can't always take everything at face value or assume that because we know one facet of information we are highly informed on the entire topic.
  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    My total daily expenditure is about 1487 calories. I'm trying to lose weight so I aim to eat between 800-1100 calories a day, with a hopeful average of 900.

    Of course my actual achievement of that varies slightly.

    900 a day isn't enough, you should be eating 1200 bare minimum. Your body can't survive on that little fuel.

    Do you have any qualifications? Not everybody needs the same amount of calories to function. Just because MFP says eat 1200 or you will starve and get fat doesn't make it true. I am eating at a 500 calorie deficit, I don't get tired during the day at all. As soon as I start to feel fatigue or exhaustion throughout my day then I will increase my calorie intake. But that's just me and my knowledge of my body mixed with quite a bit of research surrounding nutrition and weight loss.

    All I know is that eating that little can't be good for you. How do you get all your nutrients? What is your BMR? My body needs at least 1350 cals a day just to function. If I give it 500 less than that on a continual basis, something bad has got to happen. Keep an eye on it. I'm not a doctor, or an expert, nor do I claim to be. Just my opinion, and it seems to be a popular one around here.

    It's popular because a lot of people on here take what MFP says as gospel truth. I have calculated my daily expenditure using 4 different formulas. MFP is aimed at people of all sizes. Yes, for someone who is obese or overweight less than 1200 calories is not enough and will make them sick. I only have to carry 52kg over 170cm, an f load less than most people here. At 1200 calories a day I would only be at a deficit of 200 calories, which would achieve almost nothing. I try to eat lots of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and grains everyday. I aim to get 30% of my calories from protein, 25% from fat and to stay between 1000-1500mg of sodium intake each day. These are all perfectly healthy practices and when I do these things I feel healthy and good about myself. I do not have an active lifestyle or the time to exercise vigourously and I drink a lot on weekends because I'm young so I take license to drink to excess if I want. You can't judge the health of someone based on one number when they are otherwise a complete stranger to you. You can see in my profile picture what my body looks like, doesn't seem to me as though I am wasting away. I'm not in the dreaded "starvation mode" either. Here is a website on plateaus and here is another one outlining things like BMR, total energy expenditure, nutrition, and starvation mode .

    The more you read the more you know. Critical thinking is an important part of life and we can't always take everything at face value or assume that because we know one facet of information we are highly informed on the entire topic.

    And yes I know my BMI is underweight but then of course there is things like my bone density, light bones do exist and they run in my family. Ah I hate the forums!!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Ok. To each their own. I will stick with what works for me, you stick with what works for you.

    Good luck.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    2200-2500. I have to eat in that range in order to maintain my weight. :)
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I'm not asking what your NET calories are, I'm not asking if you eat your exercise calories back. The only thing I'm asking is how many calories do you eat in a day, on average? Just curious. (:

    For anyone wondering, I eat anywhere from 1200 - 1400 calories a day.

    No prob because I haven't figured out how to exercise yet. I have a gym in the basement and am about to start.

    I consume on average 1450 cals per day. I usually exceed my 1200 cal limit. When I was on a 1600 cal diet, I exceeded that too. Best for me to be on a 1200 cal diet then!
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    Ok. To each their own. I will stick with what works for me, you stick with what works for you.

    Good luck.

    I eat an average of 900-1300 calories.. Today I had 1047 and I'm full, I won't force myself to eat more. One thing that is definitely different about the way I eat is that I definitely take in more fiber and protein. I am -30 in protein today and -7 in fiber. That's why i'm eating less calories and I've lost 6 lbs and am doing well. I try to reach 1200 everyday, but it doesn't happen I do end up averaging out to 1200 by the end of the week. Every persons body is different.

    Yes before I started eating healthier I obivously ate way more calories and drank a lot too, but i wasn't eating the right stuff. Now that I am eating the right foods with protein, fiber, etc I eat less calories. I just had to learn how to eat right. :)
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member