Why did you gain the weight?



  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Twin pregnancy -- bed rest -- and a generalization of my expected caloric (while pregnant) intake without taking my size into account -- then, premature menopause, shaky thyroid, mild insulin-resistance (think I've had that since the gestational diabetes), and a body determined to fight every pound I tried to lose. :-P

    Of course, after going prematurely menopausal (while still single), it was pretty hard to care about much. Being "past-usefulness" at that young an age decimated my self-esteem, destroyed my physical comfort and any hopes of a future, and since it takes an act of God for me to lose weight, finding the motivation to remove it was a bit of a challenge.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Well, I would always turn to food in the face of boredom. Nothing to do? Snacktime. And having an enormous appetite certainly didn't help, my dinners were usually huge and I'd tend to eat till I was FULL. It's amazing how I wasn't fatter than I was. I didn't bother to check the calories of anything, if it looked good I'd chow down. I'm ashamed of myself really. But that was then, this is now. My lifestyle change has been made. No more pigging out. Now it's time to stick to it.
  • manvsfood
    manvsfood Posts: 175 Member
    I usually blame it on the taste on the foods I eat, but I know it's comfort eating; I was very depressed for two years and my coping mechanism was food. I love food, but the way I use to eat was plain ol' excessive.

    I remember going to McDonalds ordering a large fries, large drink, two to three burgers, and a parfait... smh. I needed a wake up call, and I'm glad I'm on the right track.
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    Food always tastes better having company :laugh: and moving over here didn't help either with fast food chains on every single corner
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I've never been a breakfast eater, but last fall I started eating a big breakfast every day. Eggs on toast with mayo and cheese, or dutch babies, pancakes, crepes, whatever. I had never had to worry about what I ate before, so I didn't think twice about it. Also, I continued to eat like normal throughout the rest of the day.

    Lo and behold, the pounds slowly crept on. Since I didn't own a scale and never weighed myself, it was only when my clothes started getting tighter that I noticed. I was shocked to find that I had put on 17 pounds!

    That weight and more is gone now, and I am back to my normal adult habit of rarely eating breakfast.

    I've never thought about it this way before, but putting on those 17 pounds was actually a blessing in disguise. It prompted me to really get serious about health and fitness. Now I exercise all the time and I love it, whereas before I rarely worked out and would eat processed food quite a bit. I am slimmer, fitter, and feel wonderful!
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Laziness and lack of planning! Also I have a picky eater and sometimes it is easier to make stuff she likes. I used to be underweight and actually had to gain weight to get pregnant with my first child. I left the hospital with him in Pre-pregnancy clothes. Then I was teaching him to share and he loved to share food. Then I had another really large baby 4 years later who was breech so I had a c-section and never bounced back from that. Followed by another c-section after another 2 years. I am 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight for my second child. I am actually what I was at the 6 week post partum checkup with her.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Stress/comforting eating- mostly school related. Feeling like I had no time for proper sit-down mealtimes so I did a lot of mindless eating while doing other things. And I didn't prioritize the way I looked (and never felt like my health was suffering) for yeaaars! Really didn't care. More pressing things going on.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I blamed school.... But nope it was all my ex-boyfriend's fault....
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I moved and my lifestyle changed. I went from going out and dancing 3 nights a week and working a job that had me moving all day to never going out, and a job where I sat on my behind all day. I also got very depressed. I have once again moved and live in a much warmer climate. Not so depressed and I move around at my new job. Now I just need to get out of my habit of doing nothing but sittin on my behind on my days off and either before or after I get off of work, lol.
  • Carri1
    Carri1 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm finding out that I wasn't eating very many calories. I must of been in Starvation Mode. I eat at least 1200 now and more if I exercise...I was probably eating half of that. :( I would kayak for a couple of hrs, ride my bike, swim and of course it just wouldn't come off...it came on. Go figure. My last bf yelled at me for eating Twinkies on the sly. OMG I haven't had a Twinkie in yrs! It has been a challenge to make sure I eat the calories...but wow MFP is a big help!!! I just didn't realize what it was!
  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 77 Member
    Lack of exercise, stress and emotional eater (stuffing my feelings) and thinking food=love (DUH, it doesn't!).
  • justaxletdown
    I fell into a really deep pit of depression that I'm truly just breaking out of :)
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    I got depressed when my husband deployed and gained a LOT of weight in a year. When he got home, I got pregnant and couldn't do anything but try to eat healthy and walk a bit.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Stress was the big reason behind my weight gain. I learned to better handle life, got a grip on things, repriortized and went to work on bringing order to this temple. Almost a year later, I'm doing well.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I loathe exercise and enjoy a variety of tasty cuisine. Losing weight is a challenge because I resent that I have to work a lot harder than most people I know. That's why I've been gaining and losing the same 30 pounds since college. I'm starting to accept that this sucks and I just have to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I'm an emotional eater...imagine that in combination of stress, depression and loneliness.....right now I'm fighting back! I won't let me, defeats ME!
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    I'm addicted to food Addicts don't need a reason. They will abuse their substance of choice at all costs and in spite of any infromation they have about how baqd it its for you.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    Bordem/Procrastination/emotional eating. I use to think i was soo horribly fat and hated my body and instead of trying to loose weight i ate more. Now id KILL to be that skinny again. And then with university work i was constantly going hmmm need to write this essay but dont want to... oh look im hungry lets watch a movie and chow down. But i know the stress of my last job really did it. I gained 10kg(22lb) in 6 months from eating due to the stress of that job. and i LIKE food, i really do. In the past i so often would eat almost to the point of throwing up wen we were our at resturants cause the food was just soooo good i wanted more even if my body couldnt take it. and we'd come home from groccery shopping with all this stuff that looked soo good i just wanted to eat it all right there right then even if i wasnt hungry. when i was dealing with the bad stress of my last job id find everyone else was full from dinner but i wasnt, i needed more. i pushed my stomach so much that i needed more to feel full than my body really needed. Now i only have that if ive had very little to eat the rest of the day (eg skipped breakfast, smaller lunch than usual).

    My biggest problem is fighting cravings for the foods i loved that i cant afford to gorge out on. and i do get the occasionaly urge to just sit ad eat and watch tv and eat till im sick. i know i can ave those foods in small amounts and a lot of the time i am totally cool with that. but wen i have bad cravings and the small amounts just dont seem to satisfy thats wen i start to falter.

    And i have NEVER been a fan of exercise or sport. i was a pretty chubby kid, and i had a lot of health issues and a lot of bad accidents that stopped me exercising (broke my arm 3 different times across a few years, 2 broken ribs as an 8 yr old, many more). and as i got older my dislike of sport never really changed. im not very coordinated either so sport was never really fun. and with bad asthma it was always pretty painfull to get into sport. My anemia meant i spent alot of childhood sick and in hospital, and even older i get sick easily. as a teenager i had lots of problems pop up that also got in the way of exercise and sport. And since then i just havent developed a taste for it. The only sport i really love is skiing, and since i can only do that once a year it doesnt help my weightloss much. i like soccer a bit, i tried zumba and thought it was cool but im so uncoordianted and got sick of doing it all wrong. i dont like gyms i dont feel comfortable in that environment nor do i like the idea of spending time to get to the gym or at the gym. i like swimming and walking. thats about it. i have fun cycling but i got a big butt and it hurts alot which turned me off it (then my bike got thrown out by family).
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I gained weight because my family expressed that they thought I was too skinny. Then, after my third pregnancy, I became a stay-at-home Mom. A combination of bad eating and lack of exercise were my main contributors.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I ate every bad feeling I ever had. Now I voice them. Some people don't like me much anymore. And I'm okay with that. I like me now.