Anyone else feel this way??



  • FitMissVicky
    FitMissVicky Posts: 51 Member
    I'd suggest leaving the house if they can't stop themselves from bugging you when you're working out. Get yourself an ipod and walk instead of getting on the treadmill. If you need strength training, get a few free weights and do them when you're watching TV with your husband. Maybe less weird than him sitting there while you're doing a video?

    If the nearby gyms are expensive and intimidating, how about a community centre? They usually have gym equipment and classes and are cheaper than private gyms. Usually more filled with regular folks.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I live alone, so I do reap the benefits of being able to do as I please when I please... but I have to ban my pets from the living room if I put a mat on the floor to do yoga or stretching. They end up on the mat right next to me...:wink:
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I certainly do, but not because they don't support my working out. I feel this way because when I get annoyed, I am prone to overeat. Living with three males can be rather annoying. LOTS of toilet work involved.

    I usually get away from them to exercise, whether it is running or going to the gym. I don't like attention at the gym either, so I wear a cap down over my eyes and music turned way up.

    Take a water gun with you. If they darken your doorstep, spray them. I've seen it work on cats. You won't even have to break your stride! Good luck to you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 49,086 Member
    So I realized this week that if my husband and college-aged daughter were not here I would have time to exercise more and would be able to eat better. I love them both so much, but sharing the family room with them and trying to fit in work-outs sucks. I like to work-out right after work and I have them both constantly asking me "how much longer"! Argh! It is driving me crazy!

    Anyone else feel this way? I feel so awful even thinking it. But darn, those single people must have it made!!! Nobody to pick up after, make meals for, spend time with. LOL I AM KIDDING! I don't want to be single but want to figure out a way to get my family to understand that this is important to me and they need to learn to deal with it. I only spend 30-50 minutes doing work-outs and any treadmill time I do is with them while we watch TV.


    I would never have realized it but there were 2 nights that my daughter had class and my husband worked late. I was able to come home and get right into the work out without having to deal with dinner, chores, etc. It was nice to be able to work-out without anyone bugging me. :smile:
    The problem is that if you feel dinner, chores, etc. are all YOUR responsibility, then the expectation from them is that is has to be done. Sorry, but they are abled bodied people and should be able to help out on things like this.
    I deal with so many female clients that tell me they do everything in the home and have no time for themselves. I tell them that if 1 hour a day is too much for their family to give them, then they will always be stuck where they are. Find a solution on how to get hubby and daughter to assist.
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