Super hungry!

Deb2012 Posts: 124
edited October 3 in Food and Nutrition
I always seem to be so hungry (like I want to continuously eat) the day after I've had a massive workout at the gym.

It just means I'm eating more. Still good food choices but nothing seems to "fill me up". Anyone else get this? Any ideas on foods to curb the hunger?


  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member

    Carbs give you quick bursts of energy, but depending on the speed of your metabolism, you'll probably be hungry again very soon. Protein, on the other hand, provides long-burning, sustained energy (and it takes a bit longer to digest in the first place, so your stomach stays fuller longer). Also, if you've been working out, your body probably could use quite a bit of extra protein anyway.

    MFP's guidelines are really set pretty low for protein, and you should consider your "goal" a minimum. If you haven't gone over it, you haven't had enough protein for the day.

    I eat at least 300g / day. Here are my fave foods & snacks:
    Anything you can throw on a George Foreman grill or bake in an oven: fish filets, shrimp kabobs, chicken breasts, pork chops, steaks, hamburger patties.
    Hard-boiled eggs.
    Almonds or other nuts.
    Cheese cubes or cheese wedges (Laughing Cow is awesome).
    Beef jerky.
    Turkey legs (hey, I work at the Renaissance Faire! :wink: )

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Are you adding your massive workouts on the Exercise tab and then eating the extra earned calories? If not, do so. Remember, MFP has a built-in calorie deficit so you need to eat your earned exercise calories.
  • So I used to feel the same way, always snacking, etc.
    I was told that I felt this way because my body was not getting the nutrients it needed from the food I was eating so my body was telling my mind I was hungry. I am not scientist but I will say that after starting my shakes and vitamin routine I am not having that issue any longer, my cravings are down and I am feeling great. So there may be truth to what I was told.
    Here is a link to the products I am using. You may have some stuff at home already that may help as well. :-)
    Good luck!

    AdAstra47 is totally right too... when you work out you need to add extra lean protein to your diet. Women should be taking at least 100g and men 150g a day. AdAstra47 is on the right track with the 300g
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    The issue with hunger is most of the time it's simply your body fighting the weight loss. When you start burning fat and begin losing weight you body will see this as a sign of starving (No, I'm not talking about starvation mode) and will try to refill fat stores to "survive". To do this is sends hunger signals out to make you want to eat more even when you don't need it.

    Unfortunately, there's not a lot you can do about it but give it time and make sure you are not under eating. Eating more protein can help as well as healthy fats like from nuts. More fiber may help as well but no matter what you do you are likely to feel hungry until your body figures out you're not giving in.
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Thanks guys!

    On the day I work out I'm never hungry enough to justify eating ALL of my exercise calories (this is usually 1000+) but I do eat more than MFP says I should have. It's the following day when I feel absolutely "starving". I have recently started on the protein shakes and getting more protein in my diet so hopefully this sorts itself out soon. On the plus side though my weight loss seems to have finally kicked in to gear.
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