
Hello, I'm new to the site but very excited to be here. I'm 26 and a mother of a 6 year old. I have struggled with my weight since having my son. I actually start working out this past Monday and watching what I was eating. I'm currently at 213lbs and wanting to get down to 150lbs. If anyone has food suggestions or work out tips feel free to let me know! I would really appreciate all the help I can get at this point!!!

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  • sunnygirlsings
    Hi there!

    Good for you for getting started. I, too, have struggled with my weight and decided to take back control. Keeping active is the most important thing to me. I am not very good at dieting but find when I workout 5 times a week, I am able to maintain a healthy weight. I look forward to seeing your progress.

    Good Luck,
  • Megibaby2526
    Thank you!! I too work out 5 times a week. I just bought a treadmill so I walk 3 days and then I have been doing Zumba 2 days a week. The Zumba kicks my butt but I always wake up feeling lighter lol! Good luck to you also!!