New 2 MFP! Would appreciate motivation & support! :)

Hello All,

My name is Jessica & I am new 2the site. Recommended 2me by a fellow member who is also 1of my motivations :) my goal is 2b healthy! 2do that, this fat has got 2go! Lol I am starting a fresh routine on Monday Oct 17th & I am using this weekend coming 2pump myself up. Doing my spongebob dance "I'm Ready I'm Ready" :) *We all love living life...let's look great doing it* GOOD HEALTH 2U ALL...Smooches:)


  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi Jessica, welcome!! feel free to add me as a friend if you would like motivation and support...xx
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    Welcome! I just joined a few days ago...we can motivate each other! I'll add you :) See you around!