C25K week 3

Hello everyone,

How was your week 2? I've literally just come back from my final week 2 run (I've been really busy) and I feel amazing. I have been struggling up until now but I slowed down and really enjoyed it.

Week 3 rules:

Week 3 - Workout 1:
-Brisk walk 5 mins (warm up)
Repeat the following twice:
-Jog 90 secs
-Walk 90 secs
-Jog 3 mins
-Walk 3 mins

Week 3 - Workout 2:
-Brisk walk 5 mins (warm up)
Repeat the following twice:
-Jog 90 secs
-Walk 90 secs
-Jog 3 mins
-Walk 3 mins

Week 3 - Workout 3:
-Brisk walk 5 mins (warm up)
Repeat the following twice:
-Jog 90 secs
-Walk 90 secs
-Jog 3 mins
-Walk 3 mins

Good luck and keep posting your updates here!


  • ProudMomoftwo
    I just posted about finishing Week Two on that thread. You will have to check it out.
    Feel great and like I still have more - big YAY!

    Looking forward to Week Three - thanks for the new thread.:happy:
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Finished Week 2 and felt good about it, but I'm a bit nervous about 3 minutes.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 complete, with no problems. Blog posting later (I need breakfast!)
  • rildev03
    rildev03 Posts: 61 Member
    Just finished Week 3 Day 1. Beautiful weather makes it much easier! The last two runs, my son rode his bike next to me. It made it easier I think, to have someone taking my mind off the time. I actually wanted to run longer or at least add another run onto the end, but am sticking to the plan.
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Just finished week 3 day 1! Started off with tendinitis in my right ankle .. finished with a pain in my left knee.. going to do some rescheduling to give me a 2 day break before day 2. Hope the rest of the week goes better. The run's them self were not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, at some point it just feels like walking.. almost feel disappointed when my 3 minutes were up! lol
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm just checking in before I go out to do day 2 of this week to see if the rest of you fared ok. I guess I'll probably survive it.
  • Ilovebeagles
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Is there a way to delete a post? My fingers slipped and posted before I was done and then bizarreness happened.
  • city_of_frogs
    city_of_frogs Posts: 101 Member
    Just a bit of support for you guys!
    I am up to week 6 and am going really well...
    I now love running and feel awesome afterworks.
    My total running time last night was 18 mins,
    tomorrow is 20 mins :)

    Keep it up guys!!! You will not beleive how easy it all becomes if you DONT give up!!!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I did it!!!! I didn't know if I could! I had to stop for just a few seconds to stretch during the walk after the first run because my calf felt like it was about to cramp up, but that was all! I joined a gym today for the days in between and when I was asked what my goals were I said 23 more pounds and eventually a half marathon.....and nobody laughed or even smiled. I know there's a LOT to go before that half marathon, but you know what, I think I'm going to get there. Now if I can just finish this and do a 5K. :)

    Pete: I think you're really wise to get 2 days rest before the next run. Hang in there!
  • Ilovebeagles
    I did it!!!! I didn't know if I could! I had to stop for just a few seconds to stretch during the walk after the first run because my calf felt like it was about to cramp up, but that was all! I joined a gym today for the days in between and when I was asked what my goals were I said 23 more pounds and eventually a half marathon.....and nobody laughed or even smiled. I know there's a LOT to go before that half marathon, but you know what, I think I'm going to get there. Now if I can just finish this and do a 5K. :)

    Pete: I think you're really wise to get 2 days rest before the next run. Hang in there!

    Way to go!!! I am happy to see people are completing day 1 of week 3, it gives me a lot of hope for tomorrow!!!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Keep the faith you guys! :) I just did my last week 3 run tonight and I'm feeling great. Tonight and run 2 this week I added a bit of extra running on the end. 4 minutes! Makes me feel a bit less scared about the 5minutes I'll be doing on runs this week. This week I had to start fastening my sports bras on the next smaller hooks-yay! Some payoff! So, keep it up! :D
  • Ilovebeagles
    Ok, well, day 1 of week 3 is done and done. I was going to wait until tomorrow because of my allergies, but I decided just to start taking the allergy meds again, so I went for it. It is chilly and windy, again, so that makes the runs harder. But outside of the weather I am very happy I got it over with. I can not believe I ran for three minutes at a stretch.

    Reading though the other posts I commend everyone who added time to their 3 minutes. I did not have that feeling at all today, but maybe Wednesday will be better.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm feeling a tad discouraged today. I joined a gym to get some help with core strength and for the classes and so I had something to do in between the runs that was different. So the plan I got had a special going that included 6 personal training sessions. I did my first today. I had no problem with anything except that when asked what my goals were I said to run a 5K and then eventually a half marathon. I had knee surgery something like 28 years ago because (in the simplest of terms) I tore some ligaments and my knee cap fell over and then years later the back of my knee cap was messed up and had to be surgically repaired. So I tell them this and then the response to my half marathon dream was something like "I'm not saying you can't do it, but with your knee and something as high impact as running........" I don't have problems with the knee except on rare occasions and really? You couldn't just say "What a great goal!" and then tell me what exercises to do to strengthen my knees etc for running? I'm going back to not telling anyone my half marathon dream. Well, OK, I told all of you, but that's different.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Week 3 Day 2 complete, with no problems. Latest journal entry is at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/russelljclarke.

    Question for you all - do you think it would do any harm to up my pace a little when doing the last 3 minutes of running? We're not talking Usain Bolt here believe me, but I feel I want to know if I can run faster, not just longer. Your thoughts?
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I did it!!!! I didn't know if I could! I had to stop for just a few seconds to stretch during the walk after the first run because my calf felt like it was about to cramp up, but that was all! I joined a gym today for the days in between and when I was asked what my goals were I said 23 more pounds and eventually a half marathon.....and nobody laughed or even smiled. I know there's a LOT to go before that half marathon, but you know what, I think I'm going to get there. Now if I can just finish this and do a 5K. :)

    Pete: I think you're really wise to get 2 days rest before the next run. Hang in there!
    You can DO it Tex, and I'll run with you. Stuff the muscleheads at the gym!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I completed W3D1 today. I day later then planned due to my shin but I'm back!!!! It felt so good to run again. TIme to go do some extra stretching Have a great Tuesday everyone :smile:
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Completed Week 3 Day 1 yesterday. My bigger loop worked out pretty well. I was able to walk the hills and run the flats & downhills which worked out nice.
    The first 90 sec interval went well...no problems.
    The first 3min interval ...wow...my calves were screaming by the end. Stretched them out for a few seconds and kept walking.
    Felt pretty good doing the last interval of 3minutes that we pushed it up to 4 mins to see if we could do it. We did it and were thrilled.
    My loop is larger so our 5min cool down walk is longer but I figure that is still a good thing. Movement, right?!
    Muscles felt good and warm at the end.

    Today is my C25K rest day and I usually walk on these days or do a Tae Bo dvd. My lower back was aching A LOT last night while I was trying to sleep. I decided to do a Pilates dvd today to stretch my back and legs and work on my core.
    I know other MFPers that do Yoga on rest days.
    Thanks MFPers for this advice.
    I am not good at Pilates...at all...but I can see how it can help me so I will continue with it. My back and legs do feel pretty good after the workout.
    If the weather cooperates later, I might head outside for a long walk.
    Tomorrow is Wk3 - Day 2 and I am looking forward to it.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I read an article on Runner's World about occasionally upping your pace-most of the time yo want to run at conversation pace, but sometimes it's okay to vary it and up your speed. I think also too as you progress you will naturally be able to pick up the pace. Last week, on my week 3, I used the 90s runs as kind of sprints (ok not quite full on sprinting, but a much faster pace).
    Week 3 Day 2 complete, with no problems. Latest journal entry is at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/russelljclarke.

    Question for you all - do you think it would do any harm to up my pace a little when doing the last 3 minutes of running? We're not talking Usain Bolt here believe me, but I feel I want to know if I can run faster, not just longer. Your thoughts?
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I finished Week 3 Day 2 this afternoon and it felt pretty good. The calves really start burning toward the end of the 3 minute runs, but it's not horrible. And the recovery seems fast.
    Week 3 Day 2 complete, with no problems. Latest journal entry is at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/russelljclarke.

    Question for you all - do you think it would do any harm to up my pace a little when doing the last 3 minutes of running? We're not talking Usain Bolt here believe me, but I feel I want to know if I can run faster, not just longer. Your thoughts?

    Russell - I don't see any reason not to run a bit faster during the last 3 minutes if you feel like you have the energy to do it. I say go for it! And thanks for the encouragement!