Fact or Fiction???



  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I've recently heard on Dr. Oz that you shouldn't eat within three hours of going to bed.

    That's what I've always heard; because it doesn't give your body enough time to digest the food.

    It's a total myth that your body stops digesting at night.
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    Fiction. The basis behind this myth is that in the evening, willpower is lower, and you are more prone to eat junk and too much of it. If you can eat healthily in the evening, there is no problem.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I've recently heard on Dr. Oz that you shouldn't eat within three hours of going to bed.

    That's what I've always heard; because it doesn't give your body enough time to digest the food.

    See my post above.

    Believe it or not many MDs are pretty clueless about nutrition beyond the basics.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    Not at all true!
  • sailed2japan
    sailed2japan Posts: 17 Member
    My personal way of doing things is to spread my calories out fairlu evenly across the day my meals run from 300-400 calories each and I eat 5 times a day Every 3 hours. I like a meal that has more sugars, from fruits, berries, etc., first thing in the morning and 1 hr before I work out, I eat something with more protein in t after I work out and my last meal of the day is always low in fat and carbs, usually raw veggies.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I've recently heard on Dr. Oz that you shouldn't eat within three hours of going to bed.

    That's what I've always heard; because it doesn't give your body enough time to digest the food.

    Why would it change anything? You don't die when you go to sleep, you will continue digesting all night. In fact, it can take a day or two to fully digest food, so every night your body is digesting food regardless of when you ate.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    The statement is fiction.

    However, because I have little to no self-control, and tend to want to eat while watching TV at night, I dont eat anything after 730-8. this helps me stay in my calorie goal, as well as thinking about what I eat; rather than just getting something while laying on the couch.

  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    I've recently heard on Dr. Oz that you shouldn't eat within three hours of going to bed.

    Dr. Oz is a moron then.

    Do you think the body says "Oh.. it's 8 pm , all of this food goes to fat!".


    The issue is that people think that if you eat then become active your body won't use the food you just ate and will turn it into fat.


    When you digest food it enters the blood stream in the form of Carbs/Protein/Fats. Most of that is burned off for energy BEFORE it could be stored as fat. The vast majority of the macros not burned for energy are then absorbed by the body. Protein is absorbed and used to maintain and build tissue. Glucose will be stored as glycogen. Fats are stored as fats.

    The key hear is that fats will not be stored if you are in caloric deficit!!!!

    If you have 2000 calories per day to be in a deficit and you eat 2000 calories in fat at 12am you will not store any of it as fat!

    To all of you Doctors out there that felt the need to comment on my post, I said, and I quote" that's what I heard" not that's what I do. The reason I said this is so that the person asking the question can go out an do his/her own research.
    That's what aggrevates me about some of the people on this site. They think what they say is the absolute gospel and every one else is wrong. what works for you may not work for others. Every one's body reacts differently to food. Your way may not always be the right way either. I swear..l must lead a sheltered life..because some of your responses are just condesending and RUDE!
  • allysar
    allysar Posts: 87 Member
    I am a night shift nurse and work 3-4 twelve-hour nights a week. How in the world would I survive if I didn't eat before bed? Calories in, energy out. Period!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The statement is fiction.

    However, because I have little to no self-control, and tend to want to eat while watching TV at night, I dont eat anything after 730-8. this helps me stay in my calorie goal, as well as thinking about what I eat; rather than just getting something while laying on the couch.


    There is so much common sense in this post it's refreshing!

    She totally understands that it is pure fiction. However, she also gets WHY this myth came about, and chooses not to eat later not because it WILL make her gain weight, but because it helps her hit her personal calories goals!

    /respect :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I've recently heard on Dr. Oz that you shouldn't eat within three hours of going to bed.

    Dr. Oz is a moron then.

    Do you think the body says "Oh.. it's 8 pm , all of this food goes to fat!".


    The issue is that people think that if you eat then become active your body won't use the food you just ate and will turn it into fat.


    When you digest food it enters the blood stream in the form of Carbs/Protein/Fats. Most of that is burned off for energy BEFORE it could be stored as fat. The vast majority of the macros not burned for energy are then absorbed by the body. Protein is absorbed and used to maintain and build tissue. Glucose will be stored as glycogen. Fats are stored as fats.

    The key hear is that fats will not be stored if you are in caloric deficit!!!!

    If you have 2000 calories per day to be in a deficit and you eat 2000 calories in fat at 12am you will not store any of it as fat!

    To all of you Doctors out there that felt the need to comment on my post, I said, and I quote" that's what I heard" not that's what I do. The reason I said this is so that the person asking the question can go out an do his/her own research.
    That's what aggrevates me about some of the people on this site. They think what they say is the absolute gospel and every one else is wrong. what works for you may not work for others. Every one's body reacts differently to food. Your way may not always be the right way either. I swear..l must lead a sheltered life..because some of your responses are just condesending and RUDE!

    While it's true that everyones body reacts differently, there are some staples that apply to all humans. Some things which have been debunked so many times and have been proven to be false that when a so-called doctors says the opposite, people get annoyed.

    And yes, if you consider some responses have been rude, then you've been very lucky with the people you know in real life :D
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member

    For me, I eat dinner within @2 hours of bedtime because that's what my schedule allows. But..I have heard (on the BBC show "You Are What You Eat') that eating too much before bed can disrupt your sleep because your body has to digest food when it should be resting. And for me, if I go to sleep hungry then I'll wake up repeatedly until I get a snack. So a light dinner and small snack/dessert works best for me.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I used this trick and it really worked for me. The idea is not so much that you're not going to be able to loose weight, but I think the original idea was that it was a way to control your calorie intake at the portion of the day you were the least active. i stay up late too, and have just started doing night workouts again so i eat before or after...and i stopped eating at 7-8 when i was using the trick, so big secret to sticking to it, just drink water and don't eat, or go to sleep {I was getting more sleep then}
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I used this trick and it really worked for me. The idea is not so much that you're not going to be able to loose weight, but I think the original idea was that it was a way to control your calorie intake at the portion of the day you were the least active. i stay up late too, and have just started doing night workouts again so i eat before or after...and i stopped eating at 7-8 when i was using the trick, so big secret to sticking to it, just drink water and don't eat, or go to sleep {I was getting more sleep then}

    Well, the actual big secret is simply to watch your calories. If you know you like having things late at night, eat less during the day!