For Newbies - Acronym Help

Hello Everyone,

Having been on here for over a month, I realized one thing I have had to do a lot is go searching for what different acronyms people use actually mean. Since I think I am starting to figure them out, I thought I'd start trying to combine them as a reference for others. My descriptions are basic - most of the programs listed can't be completely described in a single sentence, so I just do my best.

I would also like others to post replies with others that I haven't added yet - I will edit this original post to add them.

C25K - Coach 2 5K - A program designed to help people transition from being a coach potato to being able to run 5 kilometers.
MFP - MyFitnessPal - Abbreviation for this site.
P90X - A 90 day program of intense exercise and nutrition that combines different types of workouts to avoid plateaus.
30DS - 30 Day Shred - A workout DVD by Jillian Michaels with a 30 day plan, using roughly 20 minute daily intense workouts.
BMI - Body Mass Index - A general measure of health based on height and weight, can be misleading for certain people (muscular, low body-fat individuals and elite athletes).

I know there are more out there - this is just a quick start from memory since I am not at home right now.


  • sandi228
    sandi228 Posts: 72 Member
    NSV non scale victory, any victory that doesn't include the scale.. Finally in skinny jeans, I ran today, etc...
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks - that is a big one that I should have remembered right off. Hmmm...not letting me edit original post. I'll add it to my list, and if needed, put them all together in a new post.
  • I'm guessing GW is Goal Weight but whats HW? Highest Weight? It's probably something totally obvious ...
  • erintheinfj
    erintheinfj Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks sandi228!! I was wondering what NSV meant and even tried to look it up online. :)
  • erintheinfj
    erintheinfj Posts: 28 Member
    _W would represent the different stages of weight loss: Highest, Lowest, Current, and Goal :)
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    WW - Weight Watchers
    BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate, what your body would burn if you laid around all day
    TDEE - Total Daily Energy Expenditure, what you burn when you factor in your daily activity
    BMF - BodyMedia Fit, device worn 24 hours a day that monitors calories burned, steps taken, and sleep
    BB - BodyBugg, similar device to the BMF, doesn't monitor sleep
    HCG - Human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced during pregnancy that some people get as drops to help weight loss
    TOM - Time of the Month, a woman's period
    BF - Breast Feeding or Body Fat, depends on context
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    been wondering who TOM was! :laugh:

    some sites use TOTM (Time Of The Month) also, I just always called them my monthlies.
  • kendernau
    kendernau Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for the help! I had most of those on my list at home, but a couple I definitely did not.
  • GrammyK0910
    GrammyK0910 Posts: 2 Member
    Sure glad I found this! I joined today and have been feeling 'lost!' :ohwell:
  • cprice05
    cprice05 Posts: 82 Member
    Sure glad I found this! I joined today and have been feeling 'lost!' :ohwell:

    so with you there. I have been wondering what NSV was for awhile. Good thing I also learned how to use the "search" feature as well. :happy:
  • BobinNC66
    BobinNC66 Posts: 192 Member
    I appreciate this thread, didn't know what NSV meant (non scale victory) and typed in "Acronym" in the search and found it here within seconds, love the people on here!
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    People often ask what "Bump" means too. You use it when you want to save or bookmark the post or page for reference later.