Cell Phone Pet Peeve

Does it piss anyone else off when people answer their cell phones as they are checking out at the grocery store and hold everyone else up because they are too busy with their conversation to pay for their crap?


  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    hell yes!!!!
    i work in a train station ticket office and the ammount of people that walk up to the window put money on the counter and just expect me to know where they want a ticket for because they are too busy yapping to even acknowledge my existance. oh it really gets my goat that one does
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    hell yes!!!!
    i work in a train station ticket office and the ammount of people that walk up to the window put money on the counter and just expect me to know where they want a ticket for because they are too busy yapping to even acknowledge my existance. oh it really gets my goat that one does
    They need to be bludgeoned with a spork
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    hell yes!!!!
    i work in a train station ticket office and the ammount of people that walk up to the window put money on the counter and just expect me to know where they want a ticket for because they are too busy yapping to even acknowledge my existance. oh it really gets my goat that one does
    That's the reason I can't do anything customer service related. I would just pick a destination for them and refuse to change it.
  • spottedlee
    Being deaf with SOME hearing, It irks me off when I thought someone was talking to me, unaware they had their bluetooth on.
  • sailin4her
    sailin4her Posts: 16 Member
    hell yes!!!!
    i work in a train station ticket office and the ammount of people that walk up to the window put money on the counter and just expect me to know where they want a ticket for because they are too busy yapping to even acknowledge my existance. oh it really gets my goat that one does

    that would piss me off!! I am in the military now and they beat it into our heads no phones in dorrs most of the time lol
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I called my mom on her cell phone one day and she said "I'm at the grocery checkout, I'll call you back when I'm done". When mom called me back she said the cashier had stood there, mouth gaping, and said she'd NEVER had someone NOT take a call in that situation and thanked my mom for handling it that way. Made me realize just how many rude people there really are in this world!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    It irritates me more when I go in to the bathroom at work and there's someone in the stall, going to the bathroom, and talking on their phone. I think it's rude for the rest of us who aren't exactly public pee-ers!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Heck yeah it pisses me off! Especially when I'm in the store with my kids & by the time I reach the check out line, I'm about to lose it. I had an instance recently that the girl at the register had finished ringing up this woman's things & everyone was waiting for her to swipe her card or pull out cash or something, but she was too busy with her convo. This is why I should carry rubber bands on me. I could always blame it on the kids :)
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    YES!!! I want to punch them in the throat when they do it. If it happens to me I will answer and tell the person what i am doing and that I will call them back OR I will just let it go to voice mail.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I called my mom on her cell phone one day and she said "I'm at the grocery checkout, I'll call you back when I'm done". When mom called me back she said the cashier had stood there, mouth gaping, and said she'd NEVER had someone NOT take a call in that situation and thanked my mom for handling it that way. Made me realize just how many rude people there really are in this world!

    I do the same thing. I believe that if someone is providing a service to you, the least you can do is give them your attention until the transaction is complete.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    not only does that drive me nuts, but when people talk on their cell phones at the gym..on the cardio machines,, so loud i can hear them over my music.. ahh!!

    I used to waitress in my early years.. and the rudeness of how people don't even put their phone down, hang up or even say excuse me, or wait until their done with their phone call to call me over to order. ugh.

    I also worked in sales and when people would walk in and ignore me when I said hello then start talking on their phone and expect me to help them when they were ready to ask questions about a product. drives me crazy.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I went to the bathroom one morning, was in the stall ( I know TMI but I was only peeing) and I hear someone say." Hello" so thinking they are talking to me I say hello back. Then I hear "How has your morning been?" To which I replied, " all right, nothing special". Then I hear the person say." Susie hold on and let me call you back some dumb chick thinks I'm talking to her". :angry:
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    Yes! Even if they're moving along, I still think it's rude to be on your cell phone when attempting to check out or buy things. Be a considerate person, pay attention to the cashier, and THEN make your superimportant phone call. People are so attached to their cell phones it's so annoying. I LOVE to get rid of mine as soon as I get home at night. I throw it upstairs and enjoy my night without it being attached to me. :)
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    It irritates me more when I go in to the bathroom at work and there's someone in the stall, going to the bathroom, and talking on their phone. I think it's rude for the rest of us who aren't exactly public pee-ers!

    THIS ONE is my biggest pet peeve! I prefer to keep some things private!!!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    don't get me started. i hate cell phones and haven't owned one in five years. my husband and i took our cell phones out on our driveway at sunrise and ceremonially took hammers to them when we realized we were becoming addicted to them. we haven't looked back since. i detest cell phones, texting and the poor manners and instant gratification they instill in people. and that's just about 20% of my rant, give or take. down with them!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    Heck yeah it pisses me off! Especially when I'm in the store with my kids & by the time I reach the check out line, I'm about to lose it. I had an instance recently that the girl at the register had finished ringing up this woman's things & everyone was waiting for her to swipe her card or pull out cash or something, but she was too busy with her convo. This is why I should carry rubber bands on me. I could always blame it on the kids :)

    that is awesome about the rubber bands. LOL

    I had a similar situation, except the lady in front of me started to walk out without even paying. The cashier said, excuse me, Ma'am, you have to pay.. Ma'am... excuse me. the lady was so far off in her own world she didn't even look back.. the cashier had to follow her and tap her to say you still have to pay.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    It's rude and it’s dismissive and isolating for everybody involved including the person making the call. It’s really a kind of sociopathic behaviour. The person is just responding to the machine or, worse still, the random brain fart in his head with no thought given to where he actually is, what he is actually doing and whom it affects. He is ignoring the people around him. That guy doesn’t know who you are. The person he is ticking off might be the lead surgeon on his next heart transplant. He might remember him. As he’s going under anaesthetic he hears “OK I was trying to buy ice…”

    When there is a person in front of you the one on the phone takes a back seat.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    It irritates me more when I go in to the bathroom at work and there's someone in the stall, going to the bathroom, and talking on their phone. I think it's rude for the rest of us who aren't exactly public pee-ers!

    yes and then they expect you to not flush cuz they're yapping away.. puh-lease!
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I have a friend who will spend the entire time we are hanging out - even at dinner, on her cell phone.
    I took her out to dinner for her birthday and she was texting all night. Finally I said, excuse me, but i am here with you, can you tell those people you are busy or that you're hanging with me or better yet, talk to them later. Note it was the day before her birthday.

    she does this to me all the time... dinner, coffee, when we go for walks once in a while, when she comes over to pick up something, she'll ring the doorbell and still be on the phone. -- really, please finish your call and talk to me when you're done.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Does it piss anyone else off when people answer their cell phones as they are checking out at the grocery store and hold everyone else up because they are too busy with their conversation to pay for their crap?

    Yes. I also hate it when I see people swirving all over the highway and driving 20 mph too slow only to drive past and see them texting. I just want to scream at them, "YOUR CONVERSATION IS NOT THAT IMPORTANT A-HOLE!"