Diet Pills - Your use and results



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I love how half the replies are already not a discussion of the matter at hand, I should have known this is exactly how the thread would go. Oh, well.

    I agree on the hydroxy cut, just gets you all cranked up. I took it many moons ago when it had ephedra in it, but thanks the the FDA we can't have that anymore. Ripped fuel is the same, was good, now sucks.

    Make sure That 5 lbs isn't water weight, you really need to watch it or you can easily get dehydrated on "thermogenic fat burners," I just call them diet pills, less typing.

    There is one (now two if you count this one) that isn't about a diet pill.

    Also the EC stack is a good stack I've heard a lot about. The only thing is their is a lot of caffeine consumption happening with that stack. If you take the EC Stack YOU NEED TO BE WORKING OUT. I can't stress that enough, you have to be working it. You will gain nothing if you aren't active still. There is no miracle take a pill and become a skinny beautiful person pill.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    I've tried just about every thermogenic out there. The ONLY ones I thought that were worth spit were the ECA's before ephedra was banned. Now most of the stuff out there is crap.

    I take an ECA stack before the gym. Ephedrine is legal in Canada. Woot Woot! :drinker:

    It makes me push through my workouts harder and I burn more. I used to take a stack in the am and pm but I am only working out twice a day now. I know what I am doing and it pisses me off when people try to give me a hard time about it (usually fat out of shape people who don't even workout, surprise surprise) so I don't advertise the fact that I take it. And I don't recommend it to other people either. Whatever they want to do is fine with me. Why should it be any of my business and vice versa?
    I don't find it gives me any problems sleeping unless I workout too late in the day.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I use White Flood and Jack3d now before I work out. It's not a diet pill persay but it sure helps the pumps at the gym. It helps get you motivated to work out as well.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    I take an ECA stack before the gym. Ephedrine is legal in Canada. Woot Woot! :drinker:
    Ephedrine is legal in the US too. But EPHEDRA isn't.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I have tried both OTC and prescription diet pills. The only thing that has ever worked for me for sustained weight loss is diet and exercise. I would turn into a she-beast on the phentermine, and my heart would feel like it was about to explode with OTC diet pills. I have a lot to live for that makes both of those alternatives unacceptable. I injured my knee about five weeks ago and had to stop exercising to allow it to heal. Not only did I maintain the 27 weight loss, but I also lost an additional 1.6 lbs. Now I am back at the gym and it feels AMAZING to work out again.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    I've only tried Hydroxycut and it actually made me more hungry AND gain weight.... yea sooo not what was advertised lol
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    SunshineKisses_2012 Posts: 471 Member
    I tried phentermine last year. It gave me a nice quick loss, had to medicate to sleep(but no heart racing) and extreme dry mouth. As soon as I got off the pills(used them to jump start) the weight came back in a month! And now I can't get out of this three pound range. I lose and gain the same three darn pounds now!

    Wish I had never set foot in that stupid clinic!

    I so understand how you feel. I was on them and I had the same exact experience (but I was also a raging b!tch while on off of them because I was so tired of being a horrible person...skinny or not, it isn't worth it). Give your body time to come back to itself. I stopped taking them 2 years ago and my weight plateaued at 5 lbs higher than what I had started at. Only recently have I started diligently watching what I am eating and tossing in some exercise. It's worked! Almost 30 lbs and I am lower than I ever was while taking that crap!
  • sailed2japan
    sailed2japan Posts: 17 Member
    I'm going to Canada!!!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member

    I so understand how you feel. I was on them and I had the same exact experience (but I was also a raging b!tch while on off of them because I was so tired of being a horrible person...skinny or not, it isn't worth it). Give your body time to come back to itself. I stopped taking them 2 years ago and my weight plateaued at 5 lbs higher than what I had started at. Only recently have I started diligently watching what I am eating and tossing in some exercise. It's worked! Almost 30 lbs and I am lower than I ever was while taking that crap!

    Thank you so much for this reply! I am giving it a good shot and hope to move on to better numbers soon. I think I screwed up my metabolism on them and its been a frustrating trip back to normal-ville. We'll get there.

    Oh, and to be on topic: I also tried Alli- which was AWFUL. Every bad thing you've heard about it is true. Even if you meticulously plan your fat intake- you will more than likely still have anal leaking. Completely gross.
  • sailed2japan
    sailed2japan Posts: 17 Member
    That is something I noticed too is that after coming off you plateau for a week or two before you start losing again. The hardest part for me was to keep my motivation going on the down swing from the pills. It is hard to stay on the diet and excercise when the scale isn't moving.