
Hey guys...I need some motivation here. I strayed this weekend because I was so sick. I didn't eat much but I didn't log my food either. Monday was a stressful day at work and I ate a lot and didn't log my food. Today I have done a little better, I have stayed within my calories but didn't eat healthy stuff.

I feel myself falling into the same pattern again and I don't want that to happen. I just don't have any will power. I know what I should be doing but how do you keep going?

I need some advice please!!!


  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Hey guys...I need some motivation here. I strayed this weekend because I was so sick. I didn't eat much but I didn't log my food either. Monday was a stressful day at work and I ate a lot and didn't log my food. Today I have done a little better, I have stayed within my calories but didn't eat healthy stuff.

    I feel myself falling into the same pattern again and I don't want that to happen. I just don't have any will power. I know what I should be doing but how do you keep going?

    I need some advice please!!!
  • kerribilliot7
    I know what you mean!!! I have been PMSing really bad! I ate ice cream all weekend, but I also exercise my rear off when I cheat. I make sure I push myself extra hard in the days afer I binge to compensate. This can be so hard. I have lost 12 lbs since October and I am not going to fight to get this weight off for the 20th time!!!! I am 8 lbs from my goal. I try to keep my eyes on the end goal, summer will be here soon. I also pray! I can do anything through Christ that strengthens me!!!
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Get back into your healthy routine. First go back and try to log what you ate yesterday sometimes it helps to see the calories fat etc that we consume on a bad day so we can go back to it and say "Oh I do not want to do that again." Then don't beat yourself up. Your body needed the extra calories to replenish after being sick. You know they should have been healthy nourishing calories so I don't have to nag you.:wink: Start again and log ,log, log! If you can, come post when you feel like straying. But make sure you set yourself up to succeed. Have plenty of healthy snacks handy like carrot sticks and apples and low cal yummies. That way if you do need a snack to tie you over it's more likely to be a good one. Good Luck and glad you feel better it's no fun being sick! :heart:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • faylou
    faylou Posts: 89
    Hey guys...I need some motivation here. I strayed this weekend because I was so sick. I didn't eat much but I didn't log my food either. Monday was a stressful day at work and I ate a lot and didn't log my food. Today I have done a little better, I have stayed within my calories but didn't eat healthy stuff.

    I feel myself falling into the same pattern again and I don't want that to happen. I just don't have any will power. I know what I should be doing but how do you keep going?

    I need some advice please!!!
    I was feeling really bad myself and needed advice i had a horredous day of food today, and have decided tomarrow is another day to get back on track . I stayed within my calories too, .... but logging in those oreos that i ate because I was upset made me feel worse.
    its only a day or few so we can both get back on track on watch our eating
    Sometimes I think our body and brain does these things to make us work harder!!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    You don't have to eat healthy food to lose weight. You just don't get as much bang for you buck and probably will get hungry later. We all have been days and stumble. But just jump back up and keep on going. You'll be at your goal before you know. JUST KEEP GOING.
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Thank you all so much. I appreciate all the input. Sometimes I just feel like I am going at this alone so it is nice to get replies back here when you really need it.

    Love you guys!!!