How do you use your 20%?

Here's some perspective for you (I figured this out this morning with a calculator, hehe). If you live by an 80/20 rule (80% healthy foods/on track, 20% fun or treat foods/splurging), then out of a 30 day month, 6 days are fun or splurging. This is every 5 days. To me this mindset means reminds me that once in 5 days I can "splurge" (i.e. eat out, have alcohol, dessert, whatever). It is too easy to think "I've had a stressful day, I deserve this." or "It's only once in awhile." when really it's most days. Also it reminds me that I can eat things that I should eat sparingly because sparingly doesn't mean never. Thoughts? Do you follow a 80/20 mindset? How do you use your 20%?

Side note: I realize this is a very general description, so please no judging my food choices. I realize that all food choices, whether an 80% or a 20%, still need to fill and stay within my nutritional and calorie needs.


  • I think that is a good way to stay on track :] cannot deny yourself everything!

    Altho I treat myself once per day really. I have a mochi or a drink of one of my powdered coffee mixes.

    Giving all that up for a month just to see if it changes anything tho
  • I think if it works for you, do it. If you restrict yourself, you'll end up quitting. Better to be good 5 out of 6 days than bad 6 out of 6 days, right?
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    I believe that we are making lifestyle changes. Anything that you have to do to keep yourself motivated and on track do it. If it ain't broke don't fix it..everybody is different.
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    I have never heard of this, but it is an awesome idea! I usually allow myself a treat everyday (thought I don't use do it every day), since if I don't I go crazy. But dried fruit usually satisfies this need (as it is super sugary). Or I will do a serving of candy (not chocolate, good ol' candy).

    Maybe I will have to try the 80/20 to help me cut sugar.
  • I have never heard of that rule but it's an interesting concept. Normally, I usually stay under my daily caloric limit. Whatever is left, if I really want a treat, I'll have something that is delicious but won't go over my limit.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm more of the "be 80% good 100% of the time" ilk, rather than "be 100% good 80% of the time"
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    if you're still seeing progress then keep doing what you're doing.

    when I'm actually dieting I try to stay on track 6 days a week. then i'll loosen up on Sunday and have some "junk".
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    If I thought like this, 20% would soon creep to 25, then to 30. I know myself well enough to know that most 'normal' days, I stay fairly strict with my one indulgence being a couple of squares of Dove Dark chocolate if I have left room for them in my calorie allowance.

    If we have company for Sunday dinner, I will sometimes have a small piece of dessert. If I'm going out or if there is a potluck or something like that, I eat light in the morning, make sure I exercise, (leaving myself at least 1000 calories to spend) and then I enjoy myself but don't go hog-wild.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I think that something to note is that often when you hear the 80/20 rule, it's in regards to the actual food you're consuming, not related to splurge or cheat meals/days. When I've read about it places it's typically saying to eat as cleanly and healthily as possible for 80% of your diet - veggies, fruits, unprocessed food, etc. And then allow yourself 20% of your diet for the not as clean/restricted stuff. So you can have some chips, candy, a microwave meal, your favorite cereal, etc. Because the idea of eating 100% clean is too restrictive for most people it's a way to look at how to balance what you're eating each day without feeling overwhelmed.
  • I don't necessarily look at the calendar and go "Gee! It's the fifth day. Find me some chocolate." I have a tendency to do small treats as they fit in my calories for the day (like dried fruit, Nutella, 100 cal cookie packs. I've been known to use my Viactive vitamin chews as treats. I have to eat them anyway, right?) But I have never broken down the numbers either.

    I just think that as a culture, esp women, have to tendency to think of cake as "Bad" and lettuce as "Good". We, or at least I, need to remember and reassurance that all foods are "Good" and that the ones that need to be eaten sparingly need to be enjoyed for what they are. Not hidden because you don't want anyone to find out. And they also need to eaten to serving. Splurging doesn't need to mean "Screw it, I'll eat the whole thing."