What did your parents do to you that would be illegal now?



  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    No car seat or seat belt. We would always ride around in the back of my dad's truck or I would wander around the family van while driving. My dad had me drive starting at 10 yr old. They started buying me alcohol for special occasions when I turned 12. I never got the belt but sure was threatened with it plenty of times. My mom fed me milkshakes made with a raw egg every morning and I turned out just fine. (I think). I would play outside till the sun went down, and would be sent to the store quite a ways away all by myself (about 8 yrs old).

    I was about 9 yr old when my neighbor's house got raided. Yep, SWAT folks with big guns and bullet proof vests. What did my mom do? She sent me to ride my bike up and down the street so I could see what was going on and come back and tell her. LOL
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    My mom didn't believe in spanking, but she had other ways of punishment. One of her punishments were swirlies. I read an article online about a year ago that I forwarded to her, because apparently some lady had just been arrested for giving her kid a swirlie!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    My dad had a pick-up with a cap on the bed (shell for you folks out west)...I used to ride back there from PA to DE (about 2 & 1/2 to 3 hours) every weekend.
    i use to do that from bossier city, LA to san antonio texas every time we would go see my "pops" and grandmaw there. That was a 8 hour drive! lol...my dad made this little make shift a/c vent for me for during the summer, which was a dryer exhaust pipe that was connected to one of the ac vents inside the truck ! lol.....i liked to ride back there with the dogs!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    We had a motor home and while on our way back from the Grand Canyon, my dad had to pee really bad and didn't want to pull over, so he had me (at 12 years old), hold the wheel straight (we were on a straight away with no other cars in sight) while he jumped into the bathroom. I gripped that wheel hard and made sure it didn't move anywhere!!! Dad came back and jumped back in and said I did a great job.
  • I was a "latch key kid" from about the age of 6 or 7. This gave me free reign to cruise the neighborhood, watch and eat whatever I wanted, when I wanted. I don't recall ever wearing seat belts. I was not ever grounded and never had toys taken away from me. If I got in trouble, I got the belt (or anything else that was in reach that served the same purpose lol) I showed horses and was given a brand new, pink 'scooter' that required a drivers license as well as a license plate/registration for my 12th birthday. I was not supposed to ride it on public streets, but I did anyway. :laugh: I learned to drive a car at 14 and remember taking the car alone before I had a license.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I would walk to the gas station when I was in 1st/2nd grade with a note and some money. The note said to allow me to buy cigarettes for my mom. And they would let me! My reward was a free crappy sucker (like the ones you get at the bank)
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I tried alcohol a few times when I was very young, they were hoping I would not like the taste. Backfired.

    I remember may times being young (as in under 10 years old) and out "working" with my dad in the yard, whatever, and he'd have a beer. "Hey, you want a sip?" And I remember one time my sip turning into half a can, mostly because dad wasn't paying much attention.

    Yeah, that would probably get someone in big trouble nowadays.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    No seatbelts, no car seats but I remember my younger siblings sitting on pillows or cushions in the car or a bassinet when they were babies. I also remember that if someone fell asleep in the car on the way out to eat (and it wasn't in the dead of summer or winter), my parents would park the car close to the restaurant window, roll the car windows down and let whoever it was sleep. They'd ask for a table close by the window to watch if they woke up. But we were also in an almost rural area, maybe they wouldn't have done that in the heart of downtown.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Received my first handgun (.22) at 12, and first shotgun (.410) at 14, and never used them for evil. Was taught to respect them and only open the case with dad there. AND I kept them in my room, not a gun safe.
  • Sherylp77
    Sherylp77 Posts: 39 Member
    Great question!!
    Ok, the left me home ALL THE TIME by myself...let me play outside with my friends all day without a cellphone..they never made me bath everyday or brush my teeth and my parents smoked in our house! ...all this would be considered bad parenting or abuse by some people.

    I always rode in the back of the pickup...never a seatbelt or carseat even in my moms Delta 88. I wore non-flame retardent clothes to bed. We didnt lock our doors or have working fire alarms no exit strategy to our house. We had 20 cats and were not hoarders!!

    I make my family seem like trash...who would have thought that my parents were loaded!!
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    My parents used to let us ride in the big gravity wagon full of soy beans or corn, whatever was in the fields that year.. we used to "swim" in the beans up in the corn crib, I've been driving since about 12, always rode in the bed of the truck, and yes, lets not even talk about the belt!! ouch!! Oh, and when we were misbehaving in the car, my mom would make us get out and walk, no matter how far from home we were.. we live about 15 miles out of town, so sometimes it was a pretty LONG walk!!!
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I stayed home alone a lot, and loved it too. I rode in the bed of dad's truck a few times. I stayed in the car while Mom ran short errands and it was common at the time, no big deal. Dad taught me to drive when I was 13.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I rode everywhere without a seatbelt - in the front seat of the car, in the 'way-back' of the station wagon and in the open back of a pick-up truck! I rode my bike everywhere and went skiing without a helmet. We played on our Big Wheels in the middle of the street, went all over the place without parental supervision - even after dark! I walked a mile to school with no adult presence in kindergarten and first grade. My parents let us play with sparklers and set off small fireworks. The house was never childproofed - cabinets opened freely, electrical outlets weren't capped and the toilet lid was not locked down. Somehow, I prevailed!

    This was in the mid-70's. My parents were completely normal, responsible and loving people. Times were just different. :-)
    Your life sounds almost identical to mine, including the time frame! Not only did we always ride in the very back of the station wagon where there were no seat belts, my little brother used to ride in the "way-back" seat of my dad's '56 Beetle, too. If you've never seen what I'm talking about, it was basically a big pocket under the window. He was around 7, 8 and 9. There were 6 of us in that little thing riding to church on a Sunday morning. Our other vehicle at the time was a full sized van with two chairs up front and a bench seat in the back. Only two fit comfortably on the seat (no belts, of course) so the other two were usually sitting on the carpeted floor. I also remember my parents smoking in the car with the windows up when I was younger. Thankfully, they both quit smoking by the time I was 10.

    We'd disappear for hours without any sort of parental supervision and go play in the woods. We'd walk a few miles to the convenience store and spend our pocket money on cookies and soda. Any calories we were eating we were definitely burning off! Probably why I stayed so thin during my childhood.
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    Out to eat at dinner and misbehaving??? Sent to the car until dinner was done.

    i get strange looks now when i threaten my daughter with this....

    my dad was a pot smoking whiskey drinking hippie...i don't know how he was able to reproduce. no seatbelts, car seats, riding in the back of pick up trucks, the belt (he still has it and not affraid to use it) skateboarding/bikes with no helmets. i'm sure the list goes on and on.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    We didn't get spankings, we got BEATINGS. That's what you get in an Irish Catholic household. He'd pull your pants down and you'd get spit on the hand smacks until it hurt for days.

    My dad being a typical Irish Catholic likes to drink. He used to pick us up from school and take us to the bar with him and leave us out in the car for 3+ hours. I was 5-8 and my brother was 8-11 when he did this. Now mind you my mother had no clue and we were threatened within an inch of our lives if we told her. OH and his mother lived 4 blocks from the bar! So not only would he be arrested for leaving us in the car, he'd get it for driving drunk with kids in the car too!

    Of course having grown up in the 70's & 80's we didn't have chest straps on the seatbelts on a lot of cars and whoever heard of a booster or child seat? Not us!

    Not sure if they'd get in trouble, but I remember being 3 and the neighbor kids told me a dirty word and told me to go tell my mother. I did and MAN did she use a WHOLE BAR of ivory soap in my mouth! YUCK! Took years for me to curse after that even with a father who curses like a sailor!
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I was left at home at all hours of the day & night to babysit my 2 younger sisters. This started when I was about 9 & they were 5 & 6 until I was 14.

    My mom used to leave us in the car alone- sometimes for more than an hour- She loved to talk :grumble: Then I'd get in trouble when I got out to see what was taking so long...
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    My grandma used to put coffee in a baby bottle and let us have coffee with her, LOL

    My mom and dad used to rub whiskey on our gums when we had a tooth ache or were teething when we were babies.

    My mom and dad also let us drink beer with supper once we were in the 3rd grade and older (traditional Polish / German roots)

    I was never spanked by my dad EVER growing up, but my mom became abusive to us (which was illegal then but overlooked) once she went on Dialysis.
  • Banks01
    Banks01 Posts: 945 Member
    It's called "one for the road" for a reason
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I would walk to the gas station when I was in 1st/2nd grade with a note and some money. The note said to allow me to buy cigarettes for my mom. And they would let me! My reward was a free crappy sucker (like the ones you get at the bank)

    Ooh, this too! I forgot about being able to buy cigarettes for my parents.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Your life sounds almost identical to mine, including the time frame! Not only did we always ride in the very back of the station wagon where there were no seat belts, my little brother used to ride in the "way-back" seat of my dad's '56 Beetle, too. If you've never seen what I'm talking about, it was basically a big pocket under the window. He was around 7, 8 and 9. There were 6 of us in that little thing riding to church on a Sunday morning. Our other vehicle at the time was a full sized van with two chairs up front and a bench seat in the back. Only two fit comfortably on the seat (no belts, of course) so the other two were usually sitting on the carpeted floor. I also remember my parents smoking in the car with the windows up when I was younger. Thankfully, they both quit smoking by the time I was 10.

    We'd disappear for hours without any sort of parental supervision and go play in the woods. We'd walk a few miles to the convenience store and spend our pocket money on cookies and soda. Any calories we were eating we were definitely burning off! Probably why I stayed so thin during my childhood.

    And wasn't it GREAT!? I have so many happy memories from my joyful, carefree, free-ranging childhood. :-)