
Any good tips on how to curb cravings. I swear I will go all day without eating poorly but the next days comes and all I want is junk food. HELP!


  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    Will power! Also, Fiber :D I love my oatmeal- fills me up. High fiber Maple and brown sugar. nom nom nom.
  • try frozen carnberries. Incredibly tart. Always kill my cravings instantly
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Try Hot Tea or hot liquid, it can really help those hunger moments.
  • Jennypins
    Jennypins Posts: 90 Member
    Ooh, I posted something like this the other day. I couldn't get a big mac off of my mind.

    A few people said just to have half... or a bite... or take a walk... or chew gum...or eat it, but do some extra exercise later.

    I jsut wanted an entire big mac crammed down my throat, then I wanted to sit and unbutton my pants and loathe myself.

    I went and got Subway, and the craving passed.

    That's all I can say - is that you know the craving will EVENTUALLY pass. It really will.

    Just occupy yourself.
  • have some of whatever it is you want. eating around cravings usually ends in me eating more calories than i would have.
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    I try to either compromise with myself or move on and distract my mind. If it's really bad I'll start doing my nails. Can't eat junk with wet nails. To the poster who wanted a big mac....have you tried a big mac salad?? I have made them when I'm craving a burger. I ground some lean turkey and put it over romaine lettuce with some thousand island, shredded cheese, diced onions, sesame seeds. I don't use croutons but the original recipe that I read had you make croutons out of bread. That usually does the fact I might make one for supper tonight!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    What are you craving? Sweets? Fast food?

    You may want to find a substitute and see if it goes away. I read once that if the body is craving salt, sweet, etc it's because it's lacking in something. I did this just the other day. I was craving chocolate (sweet). I brought some pineapple/strawberries to work and grabbed them. OMG, they were better than any candy bar (esp after the juices blended). After that, my brain was content and I had a good snack.

    If I crave chocolate, sometimes I drink a little skim chocolate milk and it's eased. Other times, I grab a piece of cinnamon gum. Which makes me drink water. Between a belly of water and cinnamon mouth, nothing sounds good after that.

    Now, if I'm just craving bad stuff in general. I cut the pop (see pop or soda thread lol). I learned years ago that if I don't drink pop, I don't crave bad stuff near as much. It's a trigger food for me. When I started here, I cut it and drank iced cravings. Once adjusted to the new way of food, I added it. Now if I find myself straying and wanting bad foods, I cut it back and go to just water for a while. It totally works for me.
  • I agree, I do notice that when I drink more soda I tend to want more sugar, but I sometimes use diet soda as a treat instead of eating junk. Its really a catch 22. I try to cut back on the sweets by drinking tea or coffee but sometimes that just doesn't do it. I like the idea of doing something else, gonna give that one a try! thanks everybody!