Biggest Loser dvd's

I'm looking at getting some new workout dvd's and I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the biggest loser dvd's. I read some reviews on all of them but Im just curious what all of you think and how well they work :)


  • cjack19
    cjack19 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm bumping ... curious as well :)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I have a few of them, Workout 1 and 2, Yoga, Cardio Max, and Last Chance Workout. They're really good, especially for beginners. I started out with them and enjoy them a lot, even now that I'm in better shape.
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    I have recently purchased two of them

    The biggest loser weight loss yoga (with Bob)
    Jillians 30 Day Shred

    I've been doing the yoga 2-3 times a week (level 1, there are multiple levels on each dvd which is nice so you can customize your workout) for a few weeks and its a nice set of yoga stretches. Bob isn't the most accurate or greatest yoga coach but the stretches they do are good and you sweat!

    The 30 day shred I have also heard good things about. I have fast forwarded through all the work outs on it and it looks to be a good mix of cardio abs and strength ( in circits) I plan to try it out this weekend.

    I found one of them and half price books and most you can find cheap on Amazon.
  • julie204
    julie204 Posts: 130
    i have them they are good did them for a few weeks but the best one is the biggest looser on the wi cause you weigh in every week and do comptitions jillian works you hard too it also gives you health tips and recipie
  • grantsmom08
    grantsmom08 Posts: 82 Member
    I love them! They are real, some of the old contestants are in it. Some of them are before they lost all the They are fun, and I have done the Bob ones and it is like he is actually right there talking to you. He tells you to take a break if you need to. I totally enjoyed the yoga and the cardio. I need to start adding them to my workouts again :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Go to to look at video clips & read reviews. There is a wealth of information there - what equipment you need, high/low impact, choreoraphy, etc.

    That said - I have tried 4 Biggest Loser DVDs - traded all of them away after doing 1 time. I'm sure they would have been effective - if I ever pulled them off the shelf (I always picked something else). They are just not for me - but I never watched the television show either.

    Kelly Coffey Meyer, Chris Freytag, and Jessica Smith are my faves (right now).
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I don't know about the Biggest Loser dvds, but I have done 30DS with Jillian. It is an amazing workout and definitely gets results. I lost almost 10 inches (all over) and 11.6 inches. I have started Ripped in 30 again and I have also done Turbojam (by Chalene Johnson) which I also enjoyed. It is kickboxing.
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    I have cardio max and bootcamp and I love them! It's nice to see real life people on the videos struggling through the workouts.
  • dkvote
    dkvote Posts: 58
    I have the Cardio Max and let me just say it will KILL your thighs...but, no pain, no gain right!
  • masterfitness4u
    I did the last chance workout. It's an awesome workout. You can do easy or cominded and mix and match depending on your fitness level. If you have bad knees though, don't get it, lots of lunges and bending of the knees.
  • thinby40
    thinby40 Posts: 113
    I like the 30 day's a hard workout and you sweat A LOT!! It's only 20 minutes so it's a great workout if you don't have much time like me!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I have several...Cardio Max and the Biggest Loser 1 are my favs. I started with those and then moved up to some Jillian. I really like them!!

    Good Luck!