


  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    Yeah you can do this... what i did was instead of putting a goal way ahead of me I broke up my main goal into easy goals to reach like 6-8 pounds a month... 2 pounds a week... it really seemed to help me. I mapped out what I wanted to lose and by when and it really reved (did I spell that right lol) me up to reach that small mini goal. Try that. Oh also I joined this christmas challenge group that has really supported me in my weight loss. I have only been at it for two weeks but lost 5 pounds already... I feel great!
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    I wouldn't look at it as the whole number if it seems overwhelming; set various goals and work towards the main goal until you achieve the desired weight level you want; the # may change along the way once you see how you feel & the way your clothes fit.
  • msbrowneyes85
    As long as you keep as close to your calories as possible you should be fine every one's metabolism is different some will do amazing with small meals every few hours and some just wont..I have tried the small meals every few hours and some days it worked and some days i would get so hungery later at night :smile: I have found that i start out really good losing weight and then slowly i get off track but i think that happens

    This time is i took some drawing paper and on each one i wrote a number and put days left to go (example: DAYS LEFT TO GO 23) i nailed the calander to the wall and every morning i rip one page down so it tells me how many more days i have left to go i just started with 25 days that way i know i will stick to it. You could try the same and see how it works with any number you feel comfortable with even 10 days. You want to set small goals that way when you do lose weight you will be so happy rather then expect a huge amout but i think your 60lbs by july is great Good Luck!!
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    You can definitely do it! Take everything one day at a time, and it'll help - as opposed to thinking "I have 120 pounds to lose" try and think "today I'll eat well, and do this exercise", etc.! I also try to do the smaller meals + snacking thing, and I definitely think it helps, especially in preventing over eating later (I HATE when I wait too long, get starving, and then eat way way too much - it never feels good!). I'd try snacks that would be good for filling you up and keeping you feel - 100 calorie oatmeal packs, a small handful of nuts, carrots (any veggie - fiber!), beans or grains with protein, low-fat cottage cheese, etc. etc (I keep dried pears, almonds, clementines and baby carrots at work with me!). And for working out at home, I'd recommend buying yourself a few key items - some small low-weight dumbbells (mine are only 3-5 pounds, but when you do enough repetitions you start to feel it!), maybe resistance bands, a jump rope, and a yoga mat, and you'll be good to go for lots that you can do right in your house - yoga, pilates, weight lifting, some light aerobics! Good luck!!
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome! This site is great and full of supportive peole. Don't be overwhelmed - Just take it one day, or one meal, or one minute of exercise at a time. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.

    ^^^^ Yeah that!! ^^^^
  • grannisue
    Welcome. You can do this. Your mention of the treadmill reminded me of my DIL, her mom found one at a garage sale and the lady said it just quit working and she could have it for free! She didn't know their is a reset button under most treadmills and guess what they got it home, plugged it in, hit the reset button and it has been working ever since. Keep your eye out as you drive by garage sales and watch your local ads. Put the word out to friends there are a lot of people who just have them sitting around and not using them. Feel free to add me as a friend. I want to loose 30-40 lbs by next summers vacation - Disney World with some of the grandkids. I need to loose more but health problems prohibit a lot of exercise and my metabolism has slowed as I've gotten older but those obstacles are not going to stop me this time. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your journey.