Coming back - new to message board

Hello. I am new to the message board thing. I have been off of this site for about a month. Decided to get back to it. It is extremely helpful to me. I have though, been hiding out and doing this alone. Thought I would break my personal cycle of hybernation and say a few things. I am 56 years old, single and have 2 grandchildren. I work long shifts (12hrs) from 6pm - 6am. That does effect my sleeping and eating habits, yet love what I do.

I have slowly gained weight over the past 15 years. I am a recovering alcoholic with 16 years of sobriety. I have had a difficult time over the years with losing weight - over eating, depression, afraid that being "thin" would bring back some of my old behaviors.

I am now at a point that it's about my health. Getting older does that too you. So, here I am - attempting to allow others to get to know me. Thank you for being here and this wonderful site.


  • npostma
    npostma Posts: 33
    Best of luck! Just from what you said, sounds like you have already been successful through some difficult periods in your life. You can do it!
