Need some non weight bearing exexercises

I found out today that i have a callus that opened on the bottom of my foot so this really stinks cause i can not put any weight on my left foot so no treadmill, no elipical, no bike and I can not do water aerobics until it heals. SOooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrating. So im down to counting calories only and whatever strength training exersizes I can do in bed grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Any suggestions would be great.


  • spottedlee
    push up using knees, I think just anything you can do on your knee works. Anyone rmember that wheel thing you push and pull while on your knee?

    situp,,, kettle bell training while sitting down...

    Still thinking......

    What about those rowing machine? can you do that?
  • lostemt76
    lostemt76 Posts: 136 Member
    do you have the wii. You can do somethings from a chair. There is also chair exercises you can do to. I know my local library rents out all type of dvds. One more thing try goggling chair exercises and also you tube. May sound crazy but mite work
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    Boxing movements like on the 30 DS
  • dlsfarris
    dlsfarris Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I am doing what I can mostly strength training to keep up so that when I am able to get my cardio going again I have more tone under all the ahem well ya know :P