2 hours a day

This is how much I exercise a day somedays 2 1/2-3Hours. My routines vary from day to day. I have about 50lbs to lose. I am losing steady. My worry is I do not plan to live my life doing this much exercise 6 days a week forever. I was hoping if I lost the weight I could work out for like an hour a day. Am I setting myself up for failure? If I am getting my body used to doing this much, then when I cut back will I gain the weight back?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I think exhaustion will prevail.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    you may surprise yourself.

    I'd say keep going as long as you feel good AND you are eating back your exercise calories. Seriously beware if you are not eating back those calories, because it will backfire on you, and badly, if you're not.

    You may find eventually that you settle into a normal routine that is just exactly the same as what you're doing right now, or you may end up shifting a bit, say 3 days of long work outs and 3 days of short ones. You may be surprised, the longer you are into a regular exercise routine, the more you will enjoy it.

  • meewii
    meewii Posts: 42 Member
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I vary my workouts. Today, I did an hour of very intense exercise, and sometimes, I'll do an hour and a half of moderate-intensity exercising. Some days I'm tired and do nothing, or just half-an-hour of moderate exercise. Since losing weight is 80% your eating habits, concentrate on those, and just back it up with an hour or so of exercise a few times a week.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    considering that this is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise, i think that you are over doing the work outs.
  • I'm jealous! My grandaughter begs me, please stop exercising so much. I watch my calories and exercise my buns off, but the buns aren't going down. Nothing is. You say you are losing weight pretty good. I read a lot of stuff on losing weight, and when you get to the weight you want to be, you won't need to burn so many calories, so you won't have to exhaust yourself. I have a friend who does this - - after she got her weight down, she exercises 3 hours a day so she can eat whatever she wants and how much she wants. and she keeps her weight right where she wants it. Good luck and keep having fun.
  • gracielee1
    gracielee1 Posts: 71 Member
    I understand that you need to lose a lot of weight but this hard core, super rushed attempt is not going to stick because you will break down. Work on a consistent plan.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    considering that this is 80% nutrition, 20% exercise, i think that you are over doing the work outs.

    While I agree that the op is probably overdoing the exercise, the importance of diet over exercise varies for each person. For me, exercise is far more important than my diet. I can eat pretty much whatever I want and as long as I'm active I'll lose weight. If I don't exercise I don't lose, the calorie deficit and healthy don't matter.
  • carloP90X
    carloP90X Posts: 109
    It doesn't matter how long you workout because you can never out exercise a bad nutrition plan. You workout out 2 hrs out of 24 hrs that's an awesome commitment but what are you putting in your body the other 22 hrs of the day?

    It's obvious that you have the discipline and focus to workout so now it's time to dial in on your nutrition plan.
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    When I started doing 5x5's I was able to accomplish more and better results 3x a week than I did with my old lifting routine. If you use the search feature, there are many knowledgeable posts on 5x5's and the book New Rules of Lifting for Women. I guess this part only matters if you lift :)
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    If you feel good working out that much and enjoy it, more power to ya. But since you've only lost 11 of the 50 and you're already saying you don't plan on continuing this way once you hit goal, I'm thinking that's not the case. Do what you want to do, to each their own. For me personally, I have been on here since June and I'm just now starting to exercise. I only do 30 min each time and have no desire to do more, ever. As long as I burn enough calories to have a glass of chocolate milk without it dipping into my food calories, I'm happy. Priorities.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    It doesn't matter how long you workout because you can never out exercise a bad nutrition plan. You workout out 2 hrs out of 24 hrs that's an awesome commitment but what are you putting in your body the other 22 hrs of the day?

    It's obvious that you have the discipline and focus to workout so now it's time to dial in on your nutrition plan.
    I am eating healthy and staying at my calorie goal. I also eat back most of my calories from exercise too.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Just be carfull of conservation mode (I refuse to call ot starvation mode). Your body will make 2 hours a day exercise the ''new normal'' and it will try to become as efficient as possible so that you will burn less energy doing the same thing. The first thing will probably to get ride some of the muscle mass since muscle take alot of energy. What you are doing does not require bigger muscle, it require muscle with endurance. The lost of muscle mass will be even more important if your deficit is big. After all your body first priority is to make sure you survive. The result of all this, a lower metabolism....and that is the best recipe to gain the weight back.

    I exercise, 30 to 45 minutes a day, 4-5 days a week. What make the difference is making sure all those minutes count.
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    Congratulations doing so well and working so hard. I bet you find yourself more active naturally, and as you lose more weight you will probably fill part of that "exercise" time with other activities that are Fun exercise.
  • I'm only able to do between a half hour and 45 minutes a day. I also try to get in short walks during the day. But then I've only gotten back into exercise three weeks ago. I haven't exercised in years, and would like to be able to get to a full hour each day. Right now I can do the treadmill and bike but the elliptical is kicking my butt and I want to conquer that. :tongue:
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I see Im getting some feed back and thanks for that. I just think I didnt word my question properly or something. I love working out and doing what Im doing! I did nothing today and it almost drove me nuts! But I know I need a rest day. I love being active and am so happy to BE ABLE to do these physical activities. As I once weighed in at 260 and I couldnt walk down the street. I am now 181. I only joined this site in July. Let me see if I can ask this again in a better way. Does your body get used to doing a certain amount of exersice and then when you slow it down will weight gain happen or will it be harder to sustain your weight loss without hitting the gym 2 hours a day forever?
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    what kind of exercise are you doing?

    If it's cardio....than answer to your question is '' it will slow down your metabolism and make it harder to keep the weight off''
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I do cardio and strength training. I do a swimming classs 2x a week and a zumba class 2x a week.
    Forgot to add I also walk and now starting to jog.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    How much strenght training do you do and what is your routine? How much do you eat and how many grams of protein do you eat? It's hard to help you if we can't see your diary.

    P.S. I have PCOS too it can get frustrating but it is not impossible
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    You'll get tired soon! and one day you give up you don't want to come back, it's easier to try to make as much exercise as possible, but not such hard routines, because you won't enjoy it, I would recommend you fo follow a great diet and just do exercise two or three times a week, really an hour a day might be all you need to tone so your skin doesn't go too floppy. I couldn't have done it with a diet that really does work, unfortunately because I'm breastfeeding now I can't follow it, I don't want to run out of milk, once I stop the feeding if I'm not fit by then then I'll do that diet again, that's how I got motivated to lose weight and I actually found it possible, just diet! :D