Went over my calories today! Will this put a halt on my weig



  • laylina
    laylina Posts: 50
    Going over your calories can actually HELP your weight loss! I know if I stay on plan for several days and then eat over calories one day, I almost always show a weight loss the day after going over my calories. Many people actually vary their calories like that on purpose (google "zig zagging calories" or type it into MFPs search box) to keep from plateauing.

    Check out this calorie calculator to estimate how many calories you should be eating per day, and after you hit "calculate" it will give you the option to see what your daily calories should be if you want to zig zag.


    That's EXACTLY what I was going to say! Totally accurate and true. Our bodies register averages more than singular days anyway so as long as your average is on track, going over can actually help your metabolism stay on its toes. Keep up the great work!!

    yep yep this is true!! Don't worry your doing great!
  • alisonwww
    alisonwww Posts: 104
    Just dont' continue to go over. This may actually spike a good loss, if you go right back to the alloted calories! And, don't beat yourself up because you gotta live too and be realisitic!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    If you just started you need to prepare yourself for what happens in the next couple weeks...You won't be losing 7 pounds every week, more like a pound or two. The first week is your body adjusting to different foods and eating habits, plus shedding alot of water weight.
    Stay steady with it and it DOES work. The only time it DOESN't work is when you don't do it!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I go over 75% of the time and I've lost almost 50 pounds.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Yes, this will ruin all efforts. Perfection is key! What's that you say? This isn't dreamland, its the real world? Oh! Well in that case no, this will not hurt you. If you eat complete crap all week then eat "perfect" for one day will you lose everything you've gained?....me either. Works the same way the other way around.