My fitness pal help!

Hi all im still getting used to my fitness pal and i wanted to know, is there anything else i should be looking at besides my calorie intake, to be sure that my exercising is working and im in a good path for losing weight ? I get parnoid that no matter how much i exercise it may not work and the weight i want to lose my not happen. Also, does anyone have any good meals i should be eating or dieting tips? Any little help i will very much appreciate!
Thank You :)


  • Water! Drink lots of it!!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    I think the best thing to do is track your sodium.... keep it as close to 1500mg a day. It something that I've never done before using MFP, and now I can see how it affects my weight loss.

    Once you start tracking sodium, you will see what types of foods (processed, pre-packaged) contain the higher amounts of sodium - and hopefully then it help you decide to reduce or limit them from your diet
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Yes, try to stay away from processed foods as much as you can, it's loaded with sodium and other chemical "crap" that can make you retain water which can make an impact on the scale.
    Have you heard of "clean eating"? The best way to go IMO.
    some sites that I love are and
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    Thanks all!! :) i have been trying to drink water as much as i can! I have a 2 quart jug that i try to fill up everyday to get at least 8 glasses. The sodium look out would be great for me because last time i went to the Doc she said i had high blood pressure and im not taking any medicine for it so i can feel all the effects salt does to me and just the pain and pressure in my head everytime i stand up. So thanks! Also pre-packaged food is good to look out for too. Im trying to stay away from all that crap. Thanks so much guys!!
    I love this website! :)
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    Also thanks for the DawnOBRN! :)