Interacting with friends: Dining out

Question for fellow MFP'ers.

How do you deal with friends that don't understand what you are trying to do. Last night I had an invitation to dinner that was at a restaurant that I know did not have healthy low calorie options.

I passed on the offer explaining that I was watching calories but that didn't phase them. The attitude was "it won't hurt, you lost weight this week come on just go"

Truth of the matter is I still don't trust myself in that setting. I would probably order the wrong thing and wipe out the good I have accomplished!

I know I am still to new to this structured tracking and have a ways to go so I just didn't go, but now they are offended I wouldn't spend time with them.

How do others address this as to not lose friends over trying to lose weight?


  • If it's possible, maybe you can suggest a place that you know will have good options? I know it depends on how set they are on that place but it probably wouldn't hurt to ask.

    Also, it's great that you put your health first instead of just giving in. That' the kind of habit that will get you very far :-)
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Good not to cave in to peer pressure. Friends will often sabotage your intentions out of jealousy.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    That is definitely a touchy one. You have to do what you need to do for you-while still being kind/polite. You need to surround yourself with supportive people as much as possible and not hang around with those who would have you to fail. They might just be afraid of your changing b/c change is scary to people...good luck.
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Yesterday I went out with a girlfriend whom I haven't seen for a while. We ended up at California Pizza Kitchen. I loved their chicken piccata but as soon as I checked MFP database for calorie count, it showed it has over 1300 cals. I loved that dish, I loved the company... So I ordered it. As soon as I got my order, I divided it to 3 portions and I ate 1/3 and had the remainder boxed up.
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    Before my diet and even now I go out to eat a lot. My friends have already got offended at me for declining on lunch so instead I search the menu online and plan what I'm going to order before I get there. Even if the place doesn't have particularly healthy choices you can figure something out that will fit into your calorie goal. the other day boyfriend wanted buffalo wild wings. I searched online and found that they don't really have anything healthy so I ordered boneless wings and a side salad. I enjoyed a good meal with boyfriend AND stayed in my calorie limit. I also schedule in some exercise time if I plan on going out to eat so I can have a few extra calories without going over. With proper scheduling you can enjoy a meal with your friends and still feel good about it :]
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    There are two sides to this... first of all "friends" would be supportive of ur efforts and your commitment. The second thing is if this is a life change to eat healthier.... then no matter where u go, u will always have to chose to eat better...make the right choices...
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    There is always options at most restaurants. The only thing is you need to be specific with how you order your food (steak cooked with no butter and little seasonings, vegetables steamed not sauteed, etc...) If all else fails you can almost always get a garden salad with grilled chicken, steak, or shrimp and dressing on the side preferably a light or fat free vinaigrette. Most restaurant food will be higher in sodium than the food you cook at home, so make sure you drink a good amount of water that day. Since I have started back in January I eat out at least 4 or 5 meals a week. However if you don't feel comfortable you made the right choice. One thing I learned through the weight loss is that the more you exercise your ability to resist food, the easier it gets. Also looking up a restaurants menu before hand helps in making proper choices for your daily food intake.
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    I don't eat out often, but when I do, I try to plan my day out ahead of time. If I'm eating out, I get lots of exercise in and I always research menus beforehand. You can still go out and enjoy yourself, it just takes a little planning and a little will to show your friends how committed you are--so they don't purposely sabotage you. You can order appetizers only, salads, ask for a to go box as soon as you get your meal, etc. And if you and your friends frequent chain restaurants, invest heavily in the Eat This, Not That series. Those books are real eye openers.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    if your "diet" is causing you to avoid social situations, you need to rethink your diet. there is nothing wrong with eating a bunch one night, just get yourself back on track the next day. so don't even check nutritional information, have fun with your friends and get back on track the next day, that shows you are in control of your diet and not the other way around
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I agree with leylaaa87, suggest a healthier restaurant. Or be honest with them, tell them that you can't eat just half a portion or what ever there.

    Or as others suggested divide the plate as soon as you get it, eat very slowly with sips of water between bites and engage in conversations when you are a quarter, half and three quarters of the way through the portion.

    And if they shun you because you choose to no go due to being a bad food choice then eff them. Or make the location suggestion for next time.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    That's one of the hardest things. I'm on a severely low-carb diet (on my doctor's orders, metabolic disorder) so most places I go with my friends have only one or two things I'm allowed to eat. The secret is to plan ahead! Check out the menu & nutritional info (if available) ahead of time. Make sure you find one or two things you can eat, write them down on a notecard, put that card in your purse or wallet & bring it with you. Then don't even look at the menu when you get there. Just order what's on your notecard.

    And don't be afraid to be high-maintenance. I will order a salad with grilled chicken, but I have no problem telling them to put the dressing on the side and hold the tomatoes and croutons. You're the customer, you should be able to have your food the way you want. If being demanding makes you uncomfortable, tell people you're under a doctor's orders (and technically, you are, 'cause hasn't your doctor told you to "eat healthy" at one time or another? :wink: )

    And don't let the waiter pressure you: I went to IHOP the other day, and I can't eat hashbrowns, pancakes, toast, muffins, or fruit; basically any of the sides were off-limits. I ordered an omelet that automatically comes with sides, and I had to be very firm with the well-intentioned waitress who kept suggesting different sides ("But it comes with two sides! Are you sure you don't want *anything*?" "YES, I'm sure!" "We'll still have to charge you the full price for the combo..." "That's fine."). Then there was the restaurant that completely screwed up my order & tried to apologize by bringing us a free dessert... that one just about had me banging my head on the table. :noway: You just have to stick to your plan and remember that nothing tastes as good as your body feels when you eat right.

    Also, one of my cheats (especially at potlucks where you can't really know ahead of time what people will bring) is to always keep a scoop of protein powder in a baggie in my purse or pocket. If I eat everything I'm allowed to have, and am still hungry & tempted to eat bad stuff, I'll discreetly add the protein powder to my drink & sip that for the rest of the evening.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    How do you deal with friends that don't understand what you are trying to do...
    The attitude was "it won't hurt, you lost weight this week come on just go"...
    How do others address this as to not lose friends over trying to lose weight?

    Joking about it is always helpful. "Hey, I worked hard to lose that weight, I don't want it to find me again! Do you think I could get into a witness protection program to hide me from my fat?"
    If they're truly your friends, they'll come around as they see you becoming healthier and happier and more energetic. I take every opportunity to share my successes with them, not in a bragging way, but more in a surprised-but-pleased way, like, "Hey, this is working! I'm down two pants sizes, this is so cool, I haven't been able to wear these in years, I guess all this trouble is worth it!" I have even thanked them for putting up with my "pickiness." So now, I have some friends who will actually ask my opinion on the various dishes on the menu, as if I'm some kind of expert. :laugh: Just be patient, it may take them a while to "get it."

    Again, best of luck to you!
  • rainman3k
    rainman3k Posts: 174 Member
    Yesterday I went out with a girlfriend whom I haven't seen for a while. We ended up at California Pizza Kitchen. I loved their chicken piccata but as soon as I checked MFP database for calorie count, it showed it has over 1300 cals. I loved that dish, I loved the company... So I ordered it. As soon as I got my order, I divided it to 3 portions and I ate 1/3 and had the remainder boxed up.

    I have started to do this when I can plan ahead, it works out well.
  • rainman3k
    rainman3k Posts: 174 Member
    if your "diet" is causing you to avoid social situations, you need to rethink your diet. there is nothing wrong with eating a bunch one night, just get yourself back on track the next day. so don't even check nutritional information, have fun with your friends and get back on track the next day, that shows you are in control of your diet and not the other way around

    Thanks, understand what you are saying, I am not avoiding "all" social settings and I probably should have better explained. This was a situation where I had already ate my daily plan.

    On Monday I went out to watch a baseball game and then Monday night football and I went over my daily goal (even with boxing up half of my meal for the next day), but I cut back a little the next few days and add a little exercise.
  • rainman3k
    rainman3k Posts: 174 Member
    There is always options at most restaurants. The only thing is you need to be specific with how you order your food (steak cooked with no butter and little seasonings, vegetables steamed not sauteed, etc...) If all else fails you can almost always get a garden salad with grilled chicken, steak, or shrimp and dressing on the side preferably a light or fat free vinaigrette.

    I have to work on getting this part down.
  • I think you are doing great.
    You are thinking it through and planning and willing to take the steps needed to get to your goal.
    Life happens and this wt loss journey isn't supposed to derail your life with one meal out with friends.
    Everyone has such great tips but it takes time and practice and a good attitude to implement them.
    We all start somewhere and you will get this down.
    I was where you are! We all have been.
    Now I plan ahead when I can, select food that I will like but is still a healthier option, box up most of the meal right as it comes, drink water or tea, try and engage more in the conversation and not nibble but sip instead, skip the bread, split a dessert or if you are able ...just try a bite of a friend's dessert.
    It can be done and it doesn't have to be uncomfortable for anyone.
    Your friends & family will adjust and come to realize you are committed to this healthier lifestyle.
    You may even lead by example and inspire others to make some healthier changes themselves...

    Keep pushing forward...
    I think you are doing amazing!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    if your "diet" is causing you to avoid social situations, you need to rethink your diet. there is nothing wrong with eating a bunch one night, just get yourself back on track the next day. so don't even check nutritional information, have fun with your friends and get back on track the next day, that shows you are in control of your diet and not the other way around

    Thanks, understand what you are saying, I am not avoiding "all" social settings and I probably should have better explained. This was a situation where I had already ate my daily plan.

    On Monday I went out to watch a baseball game and then Monday night football and I went over my daily goal (even with boxing up half of my meal for the next day), but I cut back a little the next few days and add a little exercise.

    If you had already ate your daily plan(I'm assuming that means you had dinner, and then they wanted you to eat again...if I'm wrong correct me), then just go to enjoy the company is what I would have done.

    Nothing says that when you go to a restaurant that you have to eat.. You could have just ordered a drink or something small, and just talked.