


  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    I've been going back and forth about all of this myself. My problem is that most days I am VERY active, but some days I am a total slug and do practically nothing. So I set my daily base calories at 1300 manually and log everything other than the things I do just to get through a day (walking to catch the bus, walking between rooms of the apartment, etc). Everything else I log, dog walks, walking at work, any housework more strenuous than loading/unloading the dishwasher, etc.

    I've only been trying it out for two days but so far it seems to be not too much of a bother and the net calorie counts seem to be more in line with what I feel they should be on a given day. I'm going to try this for a full week and compare it to a full week the old way (with my activity level set at active and only logging the truly above and beyond things I do, like lugging a 2 year old and their stroller up four flights of stairs). I think the # of calories for the week was about right the old way but the daily counts were getting aggravating because I would naturally go under on the days I was less active.
  • irishnightowl81
    They actually have sections where it says light house work ect. I actually was using another app i think livestrong where when i went out to eat and i put in what i wanted to eat it told me what i would have to do to burn the calories like a hour of shoveling or two hours on the treadmill. There are some things we can do that can burn more calories then just walking and if you know your trying to burn calories say when doing house work your more likley to dance or move faster or put extra effort into what you are doing. When i go shopping i dont put that down unless im making laps around the store to just burn calories which i have done before but when i take care of the kids housework bathing ect i do log it on my other program it even said you loose calories while driving! it had a spot for that as well how many hours you spent in the car! its amazing and every little bit counts