ok so i have a question about sugar

I could eat apples all day long along with other fruits but By the time I eat a banana and an apple for the day my suguar is pretty much all used since MFP set me at 35. I know its natural sugar but still 16 grams in and apple and 17 grams in a banana....should I even worry about it? Thanks!


  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    i dont count my sugar. and i wouldnt count that. apples have complex carbs. that means it takes longer for your body to break them down which also means it burns more claories in doing so then say drinking a coke. mfp does not see the difference in having a coke and an apple but i see the difference. if it was a cookie, i would count the sugar. if it was an apple, i wouldnt because its a complex carb. i wouldn;t count the sugars to any complex carbs.
  • i dont count my sugar. and i wouldnt count that. apples have complex carbs. that means it takes longer for your body to break them down which also means it burns more claories in doing so then say drinking a coke. mfp does not see the difference in having a coke and an apple but i see the difference. if it was a cookie, i would count the sugar. if it was an apple, i wouldnt because its a complex carb. i wouldn;t count the sugars to any complex carbs.

    Hey thanks so much lucylue21
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    MFP's sugar estimates are wack. I'm a diabetic, and the Diabetic Association recommend around a maximum of 80 grams of sugar a day.

    As long as you're focussing on low GI foods you'll be fine.
  • Lazlocats
    Lazlocats Posts: 22 Member
    Natural occuring is good for you, this is fructose sugar in fruits. If you are carving sugars then you could have a hidden problem with yeast.
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    MFP's sugar estimates are wack. I'm a diabetic, and the Diabetic Association recommend around a maximum of 80 grams of sugar a day.

    As long as you're focussing on low GI foods you'll be fine.

    as a diabetic you should also know about complex carbs being lower to break down :)