Best workout video for damaged ankles

When I was in highschool I severely damaged my ankle running basketball drills and tore a couple ligaments. It has never been quite the same and I sprained it again a month or so ago. I am off crutches and can generally walk on it just fine. What I cannot do is anything high impact, which really stinks as just before I hurt it this time I has gotten a bunch of Jillian Micheal's dvds and had planned to start the 30DS. Needless to say, that is out of the question right now as her love of jumping jacks is just not possible for my ankle to deal with.

I have the go ahead (and encouragement) from my doctor to start working out now that I'm off the crutches, but with my exercise choices so limited now I don't really know where to start. I have been doing one of the Walk away the Pounds workouts (4 miles), but was looking for some other ideas as I tend to get bored easily.

So do any of you have any recommendations for awesome dvd/video workouts that won't make my ankle hate me?



  • ohmissemily
    ohmissemily Posts: 73 Member
    you can still do the 30 day shred if you want, just when she makes you do jumping jacks or any kind of high impact movement do the movement for your arms as if you were doing jumping jacks and instead of jumping, do squats. modify it for you. i have really bad snap crackle pop ankles from rolling, spraining, twisting whatever my ankles multiple times a yr since i was 10 yrs old. you can still do high impact exercise after a lil while to completely let it heal, you just have to be a bit more careful with what exercises you choose to do. and simply if you feel pain, then stop and rest. :) hope i helped you sweetness.