Stronger, Better, Faster...Jan 21st

Hope you have a great workout planned for today!

Moving dirt was difficult yesterday, and it took less than an hour, so it didn't count. I did do 3 miles of walk/jog and some elliptical.

Today, more moving dirt, this time at my parent's house. I'm teaching yoga this morning, so no yoga tonight (unless not enough people show up and husband asks me to come). Also weights class and hopefully a few minutes of cardio.

The weight is creeping back on - I really hope I don't have to start counting again. My mantra for the week: more fruits and veggies, no dessert, eat less - except on Saturday when we are going to a fancy restaurant with my parents.:bigsmile:

Happy workouts!



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Hope you have a great workout planned for today!

    Moving dirt was difficult yesterday, and it took less than an hour, so it didn't count. I did do 3 miles of walk/jog and some elliptical.

    Today, more moving dirt, this time at my parent's house. I'm teaching yoga this morning, so no yoga tonight (unless not enough people show up and husband asks me to come). Also weights class and hopefully a few minutes of cardio.

    The weight is creeping back on - I really hope I don't have to start counting again. My mantra for the week: more fruits and veggies, no dessert, eat less - except on Saturday when we are going to a fancy restaurant with my parents.:bigsmile:

    Happy workouts!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    -here's what I meant to post yesterday-

    Hi ladies. With the help of my husband, I finally sat down over the weekend to figure out what I have left to do on my project and set some deadlines for when I need to get it done (I have always been terrible at time-management). The result of my new schedule? I was up until 2:30am working Monday! :yawn:

    So the new plan is to still try and hit all my targets (I have daily goals for the next 2 weeks), but set a bedtime of 1:00am - with less than 6 hours of sleep, I am likely to be in poor shape the next day, and probably more likely to get sick, too. It is hard because I have never been good at rough cuts or first drafts - I never feel like I can stop working on one piece until I have it just the way I want it - but I have to keep reminding myself what my advisor said, "No obsessing! This is a proof of concept, not a final product." (edit: I managed to be in bed by 1:30 yesterday... so it's a slight improvement)

    The result is that the only exercise I see in my immediate future is my daily 30-minute walk after lunch (thank goodness I have co-workers who are sticking to this with me!), and hopefully pushups. Oh yeah, the other wrench in my plan is that I have to fly to NYC for training next week, so I am really hoping that everything goes smoothly travel-wise so that I can get plenty of work done in my hotel.

    So, I may not be around much - or at all - for the next month. Keep on keeping on! :flowerforyou:
    (edited because I hit the wrong smiley)
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Mary, I hope dirt moving and yoga go well today!
    CP, just do what you can and we will miss you! At least I will! You have to post when you hit hundred though.
    Quick note here for a change. I am getting ready to take Alex to horse therapy. He's very excited! He's been remembering things better and he's been in a great mood and chatting A LOT!
    I am not sure what exercise I will get in today. I need to get some cleaning done and I really need to get some painting done. I will be doing push ups and sit ups after lunch some time. If the weather is nice (no wind) I may take Alex to the park to eat lunch and play and then maybe try to get a walk in. I may have lost a pound and a half but I will check again on Friday. I hope so since I've been counting again and working out.
    I gotta run. Have a good day! I'll probably be back later to post what I managed to get done!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Good morning! I got my 4 year old to the bus, have had a morning cup of coffee and I *think* I'm ready to start the day! Yawn!!! :yawn: I can't remember ~ when you are getting in 64-96 oz of water a day, does your body eventually get used to it so that you don't have to get up all night to pee? I feel as though I'm getting hardly any sleep with all of my trips. I've even worked on finishing all of my water by dinner time but it hasn't seemed to help. Anyway, I'm just hoping that my body will get used to it and it won't be an issue anymore. If that's not the case, let me know! I'll have to start working a nap into my day!

    I ended up only riding my bike for an hour yesterday. I heavy duty cleaned for about 3 hours though. I didn't count the cleaning and still had 350 calories left over yesterday so I'm hoping that made up for Monday. I'm going to try to get in another hour on the bike, a little time on the treadmill, and more cleaning today. I've got a busy day so hopefully I can get it in!

    ~Enjoy your time outside Mary! And, have fun teaching your yoga class!
    ~Take care of yourself, CP! Despite (or maybe because of) all of the pressure it sounds like your under, be sure to make at least a little time for yourself! You don't want to get burned out!
    ~MM Glad things are on an upward swing with Alex. Hope that helps you have an upward swing for yourself as well. (((HUGS)))!!!

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!!
    Niccole :flowerforyou:
  • RunningSteph
    Moving dirt totally counts!!

    I ran 4.75 miles this morning and I'm going to the gym at lunch to pump some iron and get huge! :laugh:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I didn't go for a walk. I wanted to but didn't have time. So I shredded instead! I haven't done it in probably three months and haven't wanted to because I didn't think I would be able to make it through. The first ten minutes were hard and I did not think I could finish, but it got easier and I did it! My first real work out in about 3 months! Yay! I realized how badly in shape I am..or I am not. lol