I did 3 crazy things today

mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
Today I did 3 crazy things:
1) Did my first ever bit of fell running.... Flung myself down a dirt track at a pace of just under a 4 minute mile... petrified, unable to break, and loving it!
2) Signed up for the Milton Keynes Marathon - which is only two weeks after the Brighton Marathon (which I am already signed up for) *
3) Signed up for a local half marathon on December18th which I everyone has to do dressed as Santa! Fun times

*This isn't completely stupid... Brighton is going to be really crowded and it will be hard to get a great time. My plan is to treat this as a training session (its my first full marathon) and do it at a relaxed pace, enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere, and come over the line with a bit left in the tank. I'll have 2 weeks to recover in which I will make sure I do nothing strenuous and probably get a couple of sports massages, then do MK with an aim of getting a PB - and if I feel rubbish I'll just try and get over the line :)


  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Those all sound fantastic! Good luck!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Sounds like a fun and adventurous day!
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    That's it. It's a straitjacket and padded room for you, my friend!

    But seriously, this is awesome. I can't wait to hear how things go!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    If you hear nothing - it went baddly!