How do you weigh yourself?



  • lisabstrong
    lisabstrong Posts: 165 Member
    I wish the ugly naked guy at my gym would listen to your advice, but sadly, he strolls over to the scale, naked as a jay-bird, every day. I had to stop using the scale after I saw that, even though I wear my workout gear and shoes when I weight myself.


    EEEWWWWEEE Yuck! Some people are rather interesting!!! As most people say...Early am, after a pee and either undies or light night gown..
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I get up, sit around for a few minutes to wake up, pee, then weigh myself naked. I weigh on Mondays and Fridays for groups/challenges
  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    In the morning right after getting up to pee....and in the nude.
  • beautifulbrat
    after i use the bathroom and in the nude............way more accurate