do i have to exercise



  • DesertSunsetRain
    I would suggest doing a little bit of exercise at a time, you don't have to go out running 6 miles a night or anything. Just start off slow and do a couple 20 minute walks a day. Eventually you will realize that you can go farther without getting as winded and you will want to do more. I started taking small walks every day and now a month later I am really surprised with my progress. I am not a hardcore "worker-outer" but I still manage to get some in and everyday my endurance builds up a little more.

    Also, are you eating enough? Sometimes if you aren't eating enough your body kind of shuts down and you won't have any energy to do anything.
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    If you are low on energy, just walk. I never ever walked before starting to lose weight. Now I walk at least 2 miles daily (10 months later). It is so refreshing to just get out there. I find it helps bump up my energy levels as well.

    I agree just walk. I started walking a month ago and now it is so addictive. I only planned on walking 3x a week, but now my body craves it everyday so now I walk at least 2 miles every day. If I can walk having anemia then I am pretty sure OP could walk also.
  • amomatt
    amomatt Posts: 41
    Yes, you certainly can. I lost most of my weight without exercising. I took up exercising just becuase I thought I should - and it was a way to get out of the house! Leaving my husband with our 3 small chidren to go for a work seemed acceptable, leaving them to drink beer did not (damn it!)

    I started off with 1 walk a week. Around 20-30 mins. that's it. Now I like to do more so I can eat more, but if I get in 2 walks a week I'm happy.

    so, if you're not ready to exercise-don't. you will be able to lose weight without it. and maybe later, you will be ready :)
  • shankleefranklee
    Repeating what everyone else has said, yes it's possible. It just will be easier and healthier if you add in exercise. This doesn't mean go for a nine mile jog, or something ridiculous. Do you have a dog? Take your dog on a walk, or just go for a walk on your own in your neighborhood. If you have a Wii, look into getting Just Dance. It's fun and it gets your heart rate up.
  • midwesthiker
    I will start by saying I hate exercise yet I do it at least 5 times a week.

    The first 7 months of my journey I did not exercise. I lost 20 pounds and was feeling excited. Then I hit a plateau and figured it was time to start. I started with the 30 day shred and while I didn't lose any weight I went from size 18/20 pants to size 16 in those 30 days. Then I moved on to Ripped in 30. In those 30 days I only lost a few pounds but went down to a size 14 pants. Now I am doing longer workouts and if I do a 30 minute one I get on the treadmill for another 30 minutes while watching tv. So long story short, exercising really toned me up and showed more change in my body than just losing the weight.

    Give one of Jillian's 30 day programs a try. I personally like Ripped in 30 better than the 30 day Shred. But it really is only 20 minutes, so before you know it you are done.