out of shape and new to running



  • ADDdad
    ADDdad Posts: 9
    And you can def run 5 miles by May! That's a great goal. You may even be able to find a 5 mile race in the Spring to sign up for-- that would be great motivation (active.com is a great resource for locating races). Even at a slow pace, you're only talking about an hour of steady running. It will def take time to build up to that, but you can totally do it if you work at it!

    thanks for your advice and PMA
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    WOW, congrats on meeting your goals, thanks for the advise, wanted to finish to prove to myself I wasn't a weenie.

    Everybody starts somewhere y'know... :)

    Oh, and you are not a weenie... sheesh... no self-loathing allowed.