And the counting begins

Hi There,
Im new to this site, discovered the app on my new iphone ( a little behind the times). I have 21kg to lose to get back to a healthy weight, and back into everything in my wardrobe. I am a 26yr old female 5.1" and weigh 80.5kg. I begun to gain weight when i met my husband 5 years ago, and begun going out for dinners frequently, then i begun university and lived that stereotype lifestyle. I need to make a change, i feel when i am out in public that i am being judged for how i appear compared to my husband ( quite attractive and very fit). Back at my previous weight i was happier, felt sexier, felt attractive. I know i need to make a change, i am affraid of the health issues if i dont, and the difficulty i may have in the future when we plan to start a family.

My husband has been a great support since discussing with him the changes in our daily routine and diet that should be made. He is great at encouraging me to exercise, by going on walks with me, but we both have issues in giving up when things get hard, so i need more motivation, and people to push me when it all seems too hard. But he also says he loves me what ever size i am.

This is the start of the new me, i will be healthier.

Feel free to add me.


  • Good Luck!!!
  • Good Luck!!!
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Hi, I'm like you, have recently joined the site and using the apps on my phone as a way to help me keep on track. Although I only have about 13lbs to lose, my husband decided to get fit, just under a year ago, for the first time in his life and is now in such fantastic shape, sometimes I feel 'frumpish' next to him, looking buff from his regular trips to the gym!! I've also found since having kids my waist is thicker and a lot of my clothes are now too tight. I just want to be a yummy mummy, rather than a slummy one!!

    Good luck