Why is days logged in such a big deal to people?

d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
Just curious from reading several posts now, it seems to people days logged in means more almost then living the healthy lifestyle and losing weight. Seriously people come to terms with your addiction. Days logged in gets you nothing in the end but a big number. If you are living healthy and losing weight who cares if you have 300 days logged in. No one cares about your large days logged in e-peen. /rant off.

I should of been more descriptive... I'm talking the people that are like.. OMG I'm going on vacation and no internet HOW DO I KEEP MY DAYS logged in....

go on vacation, eat right, that is more important than coming back to a larger days logged in number... that is the key of the rant!


  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I took the days logged-in off my automatic updates to my status.

    Some people I think like it because it means that they are sticking with something and making sure that they log what they're doing. For other people it may be more of a Foursquare like badge :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I was wondering the same thing. I have been here for over a year and don't even know where that is? I know what I'm doing and don't really care what it says. :drinker:
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    I like it purely because it marks the start of my diet, I'm on day 80 something and not missed yet because I enjoy logging. I guess I will be quite gutted when I go solo but for now it's nice to know how my life has changed in blah amount of days. I'm rubbish with days and months and I wanna be able to say I lost 4 stone in 12 months or whatever when the time comes!

    I don't see why it deserved a rant though?
  • catlady100
    How do you take it off the newsfeed? I really don't care if it appears or doesn't appear in my newfeed, but i would guess that to some people it means that they're sticking with it long- term, even if they're mess up now and again. Maybe in the past they would have given up after two weeks and they have been sticking with it for 30 days, so it's a big deal in that sense.
  • Sallycinnimon
    Sallycinnimon Posts: 102 Member
    For me, it's because I see thatI've actually stuck with something for so long. Normally, I would have given up by now, so when I see 5,10,15,20.... I get a little proud of myself for not giving up. =)
  • Stuartm1
    Stuartm1 Posts: 101 Member
    Everyone is different if they want to see how many days they have done then why not? The weight loss is the important thing but keeping track of how long it's taken by a simple days logged score is not a bad thing.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I am not bothered about it being recorded but I do find logging in every day helps me keep on track. :smile:
  • kristarablue
    Well days logged in serves a couple purposes. First of all if you are logged in it means that hypothetically you are logging your food and exercise which often leads to the healthy lifestyle changes. Yes MFP is an addiction, but it is also a means to a healthy lifestyle. If days logged in is what gets people to come back and continue on their journey where otherwise they would drop off never to be seen again...ROCK ON! Look everyone has different motivation and yes it is an accomplishment when someone has logged on for a year....a year of logging food...a year of logging exercise....a year of being enveloped by support...a year of stumbling, falling and getting back up...I don't know, sounds all kinds of awesome to me. It is a way to track our progress to know how far we have come in what period of time. Instead of not knowing when your journey began you know precisely when it began and how long you have been on it. Not for everyone I admit, but whatever extrinsic rewards keeps up going I am all for it...why not
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I don't see why it deserved a rant though?

    I've now seen three people complain about things such as..

    OMG, I'm going on vacation I won't have internet, I need a way to keep my days logged in!

    Items like that is why there is a rant.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I also turned mine off and didn't log while on vacation and a couple of other days.
  • AJMonroe1161
    AJMonroe1161 Posts: 3 Member
    It shows consistency and gives a person accountibility.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    It automatically posts it on mine... And honestly, I find it useful for myself. Yes, I can count on a calendar how many days I've been eating healthy and exercising, but I don't. I find it useful to see how long I've been here and realize where I am (whether I am on track to meeting my goals or whether it's taking longer than I had anticipated, etc.). It's like a wake up call. Today it told me that I've logged in for 95 days and I realized that I'm not quite where I wanted to be by this point. It's my own fault and I recognize that, but it's a good reminder of where I could have been after doing this for 95 days. It keeps me on my toes. If you don't like it, then don't look.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I'd much rather be addicted to MFP like I am now than be addicted to cupcakes and donuts like I used to be. The counter gives us goals. If we miss a day, it resets. It's a personal incentive to come online.
  • ashleatwins
    I like it because it makes you feel good that you are sticking to it and having the extra motivation counts. I dont see what the big deal is tho to make a topic about it if you dont want to see it i guess dont look or get on another site. Not everybody is the same and just because you dont like it doesnt mean you have to put others down for it. All the days might not mean anything to you but the people that are working hard and sticking with it, it means the world to them. I think if people have an addiction to logging in to this site on vacations or whatever thats alot better than having an addiction to facebook or porn or anything else. This is a healthy site and helps you get better everyday and become addicted to it i think is good. My opinion if you dont like to see the numbers take them off your friends list or get on another site.
  • Sallycinnimon
    Sallycinnimon Posts: 102 Member
    I don't see why it deserved a rant though?

    I've now seen three people complain about things such as..

    OMG, I'm going on vacation I won't have internet, I need a way to keep my days logged in!

    Items like that is why there is a rant.

    yes...that is annoying...
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm perfectly happy and have come to terms with my addiction. That said, my world probably wouldn't fall apart if I missed a day...there's a measure of accountability and responsibility to myself in it, just as if I join a thread for doing a certain exercise regime I'll try to comment on it every day.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    For me its accountability. If I log in every day & track my food & exercise, to me, i'm making an effort to end my old (unhealthy) eating & being lazy habits
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I don't see why it deserved a rant though?

    I've now seen three people complain about things such as..

    OMG, I'm going on vacation I won't have internet, I need a way to keep my days logged in!

    Items like that is why there is a rant.

    Ok, that's a different story. But for people just starting out, I think logging one's food and exercise does help. I still log daily, but it took me a while to feel like i am capable of going a few days without logging but still being able to eat healthy. If it's a compulsion then that's a bit of a problem. But on the other hand, if it motivates people, then perhaps it's not the worst thing.
  • dez_yaoichan
    if it makes someone happy, wtf should you care? i look at it as a marker for not giving up. i'll be the first to say im not eating clean (which a lot of people hate and try to tell me that i cant lose unless i do) but i am eating better then before- one step at a time and im slowing getting there. having 100 days pop up on my status a few days ago just made me so happy that i was able to do something for myself for that long. and it's great when you have people comment on it, bc really, i could have never gotten to 100 if it wasnt for the people on my friends list. so not only is it a marker for myself, it's a reminder of all the support i have gotten on this site and that just makes me feel amazing.

    just like with diets, everything is not going to work with everybody. if you dont want to deal with your days logged, thats your issue. but dont rant about it bc you dont understand.
  • Shawn_Marie
    I actually don't like it because although I log daily, it sometimes drops a day for whatever reason and starts over - I did use it as a "start day" but am going to turn it off since I just seen that I can opt out.