Hating Restaurants

Im trying so hard to stay on track...while my husband and sons are constantly wanting to go out to eat! Restaurant food is so high in calories!! Every week end its such a battle. I cook all week but come Sat and Sunday...they all want to go out. Help!!


  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    oh I know what you mean. Last night we went out for dinner. My husband ordered this fried calamari appetizer. I knew it would do some damage calorie wise so I only had a couple of pieces. When I got home I checked the nutrition:
    1520 cals and 97g of fat! In one itty bitty plate! Gross :(
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    can't they go alone and you stay and cook your dinner?
  • trizzo_us
    I don't go out to restaurant too often, but when I do I go online and figure out what I am going to eat before I go. It does cut down on calories and you walk away feeling like you accomplished your goal. I also don't drink anything except water or diet soda. Good luck!
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    Or can't you go and try to make a healthy choice at a restaurant? Or order a dish, and eat only a third of it and save the rest for tomorrow's lunch?

    Demonstrate some strength of mind over body!
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    Plan ahead then, don't sit at home making your own meals, go enjoy your family.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Research your options before you go. Earn some extra calories via exercise. Enjoy the time with your family. Life isn't about restrictions. It's about balance. I'd never trade a night out with my son because of dining out might be too high in calories. With that being said, educate yourself about the restaurant's best choices before you go. Then when the meal comes, ask for a To Go box and put half in it and enjoy the company.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Tried to get them on the health wagon too..?

    At home we cooked our own pizzas from scratch...everyone got to choose their own toppings,, you could be as controlled as you want because you know whats going on to it and can but the lower fat ingredients...use less salt, less oil etc... and it's fresh!

    I LOVE making vegetarian pizzas with half fat cheese and half the amount... adding rosemary and basil to the tomatoes and its divine! Oh and lot's of crushed black pepper! You can add on chillis too to add fire to your metabolism as a cheeky boost! :)
    The same goes if you set up a big plate of healthy antipasti too... make some healthy and some a bit unhealthy for everyones tastes...make ALL from fresh though! That way you can pick and choose little bits of different stuff and satisfy your tastes! :)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Look the restaurant up beforehand, online, and plan what you're going to get. Check if they have healthy options or what foods could fit in your calorie budget if you were to box up half. You can usually also ask for steamed veggies or salad to replace fries or other unhealthy sides and never feel bad about turning down part of your meal if it's something unhealthy that you would be tempted by (bread roll or similar).
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    My weight loss journey has been slow but I am now almost at goal. I t has taken me almost 21/2 years to get here, but I have gone out to eat at least once a week and sometimes more. Remember, that it has to be something you can live with. Try having a good salad. Look for lower calorie choices, take half home and check websites for calorie counts before you go. It can be done.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    This is difficult for me too... but its just me and my husband.

    I've been ordering the 1/2 portions of HEALTHIER choices.

    Like I used to get a veggie burrito with all the stuff on it at chipotle

    Well yesterday I skipped the tortilla, got the bowl, brown rice instead of white, and I only ate about 1/2 of that. However my weight is not budging for the last 2 weeks except for about 2 lbs.... and being obese it should be more than that.

    For me, I need to cut out yet more processed stuff, eat more veggies (don't eat nearly enough), and drink water more consistently.

    I think that your health/weight has many components to it. Once a week going out to eat seems like a lot when you want to lose weight... and it is hard eating a salad while they wolf down pizza or what not... but you are setting a good example. Maybe Thursday make your own healthy pizza at home. And Friday healthy burgers with veggies. They might be more likely to stay home with you and stop wanting to go out to "get the good stuff" all the time.
  • azzacca
    azzacca Posts: 126 Member

    Well yesterday I skipped the tortilla, got the bowl, brown rice instead of white, and I only ate about 1/2 of that. However my weight is not budging for the last 2 weeks except for about 2 lbs.... and being obese it should be more than that.

    Chipotle has BROWN RICE?! I want to go to your Chipotle. None here have brown rice.

    You can also order from the menu but order slightly differently than what they offer. You can almost always get a grilled chicken breast and vegetables. Just look around the menu and see what they have for sandwiches and entree sides. Most places can help you create your own plate.

    Last night I had a chicken avocado sandwich that normally comes on white bread, asked for rye (they have a Reuben, so I knew they had rye). I only ate about half the bread. Instead of chips, or other potatoes, I had coleslaw but could have had fruit. I know coleslaw isn't the greatest for me, but since I tend to shake sauce off everything, there wasn't much.
  • alliebeck2
    When going out to restaurants, I usually stick to restaurants who make their nutrition information available. I use that information beforehand to plan my restaurant meal, and save up some calories for it. For example, I just ate out last night. The meal I planned had about 1000 calories, so I pretty much spent my remaining calories gorging myself on vegetables during the day. You can eat a surprising amount of veggies for not very many calories. So I was able to indulge in an amazing restaurant meal without going over my calories for the day. Also, if I'm going out to eat, I'm always sure to workout hard that day.

    If you don't want to go nuts and have a feast at the restaurant, or if you don't have access to nutrition information, you can always just get a salad with the dressing on the side, allowing you to control how much dressing you have. Minestrone is also a great option at a lot of restaurants - very low calorie, but leave the broth because it's typically very high in sodium. Other things you can do to cut the calories you consume at restaurants is to immediately put a large portion of your entree in a to-go bag when you first get it and then only eat what's left on your plate. You can spread the leftovers over several meals, or just let your husband or kids eat them. Or order off the kid's menu if the restaurant will let you. There are lots of strategies that can make dining out enjoyable without destroying your weight loss. If your family enjoys eating out a lot, it's probably going to be key to your long term success to develop some strategies for dining out.
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    My boyfriend and I like to eat out a lot too. We've cut back during the week. It seems every weekend we go out. I've learned to immediately look at the "healthy" menu items. However, you have to be very careful with those too! Always order dressings and mayo on the side and ask them to not use any oils if possible. You can make lots of requests. You can also have a bite or so of your husband's meal iso you don't miss out on the good food! hehe

    It's pricier to get the healthy substitutes like egg whites or fruit, but if your husband wants to go, then he'll have to spend more money for you to go with him :)
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    It's new and you have to ask for it. They don't voluntarily tell you.

    Well yesterday I skipped the tortilla, got the bowl, brown rice instead of white, and I only ate about 1/2 of that. However my weight is not budging for the last 2 weeks except for about 2 lbs.... and being obese it should be more than that.

    Chipotle has BROWN RICE?! I want to go to your Chipotle. None here have brown rice.

    You can also order from the menu but order slightly differently than what they offer. You can almost always get a grilled chicken breast and vegetables. Just look around the menu and see what they have for sandwiches and entree sides. Most places can help you create your own plate.

    Last night I had a chicken avocado sandwich that normally comes on white bread, asked for rye (they have a Reuben, so I knew they had rye). I only ate about half the bread. Instead of chips, or other potatoes, I had coleslaw but could have had fruit. I know coleslaw isn't the greatest for me, but since I tend to shake sauce off everything, there wasn't much.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Plan ahead then, don't sit at home making your own meals, go enjoy your family.

    This. Nearly every restaurant has options for steamed veggies instead of potatoes/fries, grilled chicken or fish recipes (no heavy cream sauces), etc. Do your homework before you go out and decide what you'll have after looking at the nutritional information online.

    Don't isolate yourself from your family :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Is eating out once a week going to tip you over the edge? You know, it might do you the world of good if you are eating a 500-1000 calorie deficit during the rest of the week.

    if you want to keep within your lighter options, I'm sure they do a salad and you can always ask to have the dressing on the side.

    Or perhaps you can come to a compromise with your husband/kids... go out to eat every other week?

    I want to lose weight... lots of weight... and so far I'm succeeding, but if I thought I could never go out for a meal or enjoy a meal/drinks at a friend's house without fretting about the calories, I might as well just give up and resign myself to being a fattie for the rest of my days. I am committed to losing weight... not to losing all sense of proportion or enjoyment of life!
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    We enjoy going to Mexican Restaurants. I always make a self-governing rule. Order A-la carte... No chips (one of my weaknesses) until AFTER you place your order... If you start eating the chips before you order, you probably can eat 20 of them before the waiter returns to take your order. I don't deprive myself of the pleasure of eating out... I just try to think of ways around the huge entrees that leave room for losing my head and eating the whole mess!

    A-la-carte enables me to get one chicken enchilada, a cup of black beans, and sliced avocado. They bring it out on three plates! Visually it makes you feel like you are eating a lot more food, but staying right around 400 calories. If I am still hungry I can order another item, but I usually feel okay and satisfied.
  • Anniepoo04
    Anniepoo04 Posts: 16 Member
    Have you ever look at the Book Eat This not That it really gives some great healthy options to choose from. Plus it gives you the calories for things. The other night my husband and I went to CheeseCake Factory and they now have a whole lighter menu I think all the stuff is 500 or 600 under calories.
  • Kikilicious84
    I don't go out to restaurant too often, but when I do I go online and figure out what I am going to eat before I go. It does cut down on calories and you walk away feeling like you accomplished your goal. I also don't drink anything except water or diet soda. Good luck!

    I do this as well...Hell I've even done it on my iPhone while waiting to be seated. If all else fails...order the salad with the dressing on side. I am a vegetarian so to compliment my meal I usually order steamed veggies as well.
  • sevfam
    sevfam Posts: 76 Member
    Thank you all so much!! All of your ideas have given me hope. I dont want to stay home while they go, that would be depressing. I love the idea of ordering a grilled chicken with steamed veggies! I never thought to ask for something that's not actually on the menu. lol. Yay!! I knew you'd all help. We are going again today...Im going online right now to see what this particular restaurant has to offer.