Knots in my back

Anyone know what I can do to work these out? I've had a massage, which helped. I have used a tennis ball and the floor to work on it. I've taken way too many nSAIDs. It's a week along and still hurts and has one giant knot and a few small ones.

I know what caused it. My blind dog hurt his neck and was unable to walk. I had emotional stress worrying about him and physical stress from carrying him around a lot.

Are there any stretches, or yoga positions that might work?

On the plus side, NSV was that I realized as I was carrying my 20 pound dog and how hard that was, last year I was doing it all the time (I'm down 22 pounds since this time last year).


  • PerceptionFitness
    get yourself a foam roller and use it daily. I found mine at Wal-Mart, Gold's Gym brand.
  • wendi0719
    wendi0719 Posts: 18 Member
    I get these knots all the time from stress! I have found that icy hot and excedrin tension helps.
  • tcpowell25
    I've been having the same issue since last week. Have you tried a heating pad? That has been working for me. I try it off and on with a massager.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Any yoga position that stretches the back will help. I offer "Sun Salutation" The basic pose is pretty good, although this variation does a lot more for the back