Looking for support!

Add me as a friend, I could use some support. I'm a recovering drug addict trying to get back in shape after going from 100 lbs looking like death to almost double that when I got clean. I want to prove to myself that I can be "skinny" without drugs.


  • asugar
    asugar Posts: 178 Member
    I would be happy to support you in your recovery and your eating plan! Way to Go!
  • Your on your way to recover and support here. I was an emotional eater, up and down weight loss junkie too. Love to be your friend.:happy:
  • I am there with ya! 20 pounds from going to drug and alcohol treatment, 20 pounds from college, 20 pounds from quitting smoking. I just turned 50 and would like to lose 40 pounds before the end of next spring.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    We all could use support.
  • Congrats on getting clean! Your journey will be one that you will forever be thankful for. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I love all the support the people on this site give!
  • jaci34
    jaci34 Posts: 225 Member
    Congrats on your sobriety first of all!!! :) Good luck on your healthy weight loss journey! Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • Good for you, we all need each other. YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • NCSean
    NCSean Posts: 14