What is The Basis For Vegan and/or Vegetarian Eating?



  • erinserin
    erinserin Posts: 79 Member
    I love animals! That definitely plays a big role. I also follow a vegetarian lifestyle because of the ecological benefits (much less of an environmental impact). It being healthier (if you do it properly!) is an added bonus.

    I think that everyone has their own personal reasons.

    This is pretty much the exact same reason I have and I agree - everyone has different reasons. I know someone who simply hates the taste and texture of meat.
  • Jtguy97
    Jtguy97 Posts: 5 Member
    Been vegetarian for almost 12 years now and vegan for 10 years. I stopped eating meat when I saw horrible abuse of a chicken the chicken was being tortured during a half time basket ball game in the parking lot.. A friend and I ran to his aid. that chicken felt pain there was no way around it. He (the chicken) planted the seed of animal personhood in my mind. Getting to know animals and their emotions over the years since this chicken has opened my heart and mind. So animals is my answer

    I will also say that since becomeing vegan 10 years ago, At times I eat very very healthful and have lost and kept wieght off and also i have been a junk food vegan and gained lbs.. The past two years I have been an oreo cookie, coke, and potato chip vegan.. and now,, I got the *kitten* to prove it! thats why I just joined myfitnesspal!! P.S. add me if your VEG i need some friends on here!