Who here is addicted to chocoate????



  • melissabee31
    I am not only addicted to chocolate, I am addicted to SUGAR. Sugar in chocolate or any sweets can actually give your brain the same effects as drugs and being in love. So, once our bodies realize we get this nice little high going, we crave it just like drug addicts crave their drug. I have been having such issues with this, but I cannot cut sugar/chocolate out of my diet forever because I LOVE CHOCOLATE.

    Anyway, to get my fix, I eat Keebler 100 Calorie Right Bites. They have like 6 or more varieties, I believe. I get the chocolate chip cookies. I have a bag of those with a glass of soy milk for dessert, and it's great. The cookies taste SO good. They're crunch and satisfying, with just a little bit of chocolate. I'm going to try all of the varieties soon since these cookies were so good.

    Good luck! Just remember that you do have to give yourself a little something sweet, or one day you're just gonna down a whole chocolate cake or box of oreos and wonder what happened!
  • msbrowneyes85
    I love chocolate! Instead of eating actual chocolate, I bought some light hot cocoa, one cup is 20 calories..I always add some frozen cool whip, too. Its really good and the hot cocoa fills me up!

    This might work just no cool whip for me its not an actual peice of chocolate but doesnt hurt to try....thanks :)
  • twyrm
    twyrm Posts: 22 Member
    I enjoy the dark chocolate kisses too. One or two melted slowly in the mouth is very satisfying. Peanut m&m's are pretty good as far at the glycemic load goes as well, I usually eat about 8. They are pretty filling and satisfying too.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I'm totally addicted to chocolate! Lately, I've been eating carob chips instead of chocolate chips and it tastes the same as chocolate! Also love raw cacao powder and nibs for my shakes.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Meeeeee. To the extent I have eaten it every night for the past 25 years I kid you not. Today is day 8 without any and I am dying!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm very addicted to chocolate.

    3 foods I'm addicted to:

    1. Chocolate (chocolate milk mmmmm)
    2. Peanut Butter
    3. Bacon
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK Seriously now... - WHY!?!

    I eat chocolate every single day. It has not hindered my progress at all.

    Snap out of it. Life is hard enough without deprivation. If you're miserable and you want some chocolate, have some. Moderation is an excellent lesson to learn.
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    mmmmmm chocolate.......*drool*
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am not terribly addicted to it, but when the TOM comes around, I go ahead and have some so I don't rip anyone's head off.

    I just bought some dark chocolate to keep in my desk at work. I also have hot chocolate to drink which has a lot less calories than the Reese cups and Snicker bars that I used to love.
  • chicklet846
    I wouldn't say I'm addicted, but I LOVE chocolate. I don't believe in giving up foods, just having everything in moderation. A fiber one brownie (or two some days!) really hits the spot for me
  • msbrowneyes85
    Meeeeee. To the extent I have eaten it every night for the past 25 years I kid you not. Today is day 8 without any and I am dying!

    Omg HOW :laugh:
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I eat the 99% stuff. Took a while to get used to (had to build my way up through 70 up to 85 and past 90%) and now it makes all milk chocolate taste gross. Best part is because it's so strong, you can only really stand to eat a small amount of it. I love the 90% stuff -- that I can eat a whole $3 bar of without even thinking.
  • wildeone4
    wildeone4 Posts: 204 Member
    I don't get those chocolate cravings anymore because I get chocolate every day, but it's the healthiest meal I have each day! Lucky me eh? I drink chocolate Shakeology everyday! I just love it and don't get those chocolate cravings like I use to :)
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    i love chocolate! but I have it all the time.. chocolate protein bars, chocolate protein shakes, dark chocolate squares, sugar free chocolate pudding cups, chocolatey granola bars, light chocolate chip muffins, etc..

    i work a taste of chocolate into my diary almost everyday and i'm 7 lbs away from my goal. i figure if I die by chocolate i'll be dieing happy so why fight it?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    i love chocolate! but I have it all the time.. chocolate protein bars, chocolate protein shakes, dark chocolate squares, sugar free chocolate pudding cups, chocolatey granola bars, light chocolate chip muffins, etc..

    i work a taste of chocolate into my diary almost everyday and i'm 7 lbs away from my goal. i figure if I die by chocolate i'll be dieing happy so why fight it?

    Me too :smile:

    Learn to cook and cook healthy things with chocolate in it. Easy.
  • msbrowneyes85
    I know how to cook :tongue:
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I eat chocolate almost everyday. Small amounts that I make last. :)
  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member

    I allow 175 cals each day for a choc treat ( Galaxy ripple)
    or 107 for Mint Kit Kat...depending on how the day is planned.

    I have this with a cup of tea in bed!

    look forward to it all day and makes me think twice about what I am eating in case I won;t have enough cals left to eat it!!

    hope that helps.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Chocolate doesn't bother me but I do like a glass of Red Wine and it is the first thing I put in my food diary so I know I can have it. Maybe you should do the same with Chocolate and have some everyday then you won't crave it if you know you can have it. If I fancy some Chocolate which is about every six months. I go out and buy the good stuff with a high chocolate content and count it my diary. Little bit of you fancy is okay so long as it goes in your diary and don't go over your allowance. :flowerforyou:
  • alpepp
    alpepp Posts: 55 Member
    I prefer Mockolate™ the next traditional Thanksgiving food. It's what evil tastes like.

    Bahahahaha. I nearly died laughing when I saw this. FRIENDS ftw!