GUYS! Which is hotter? :]



  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Redheads! (have reddish-brown myself) Brunettes & Raven-haired are tie, blondes are last. (was blonde growing up & it changed as I got older!)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    LOL. I've been them ALL. The only thing I haven't tried is black.

    What do you call a girl with black hair though? Does anyone know?

    I think they've traditionally been called a ravenhead.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    anything but blond..

    what are you, a communist??

    No, I stomp hippies at every chance I get. Blonds tend to be stinky and much more prone to ending up in amateur porn. I am hoping to find someone who doesn't have a backlog of BJ pics floating around the internet. I don't care if a girl has a past, I just don't want to be confronted with it every time I look at my fav sites. :huh:
  • eyoungone05
    I'll say all but for me as far as looks it wud have to be how she is wearing the hair and her confidence with it also
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    Brunette for sure. :-)
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Depends on the person though - I suit both brown hair and blonde hair apperance wise but I think blonde always wins for me because it suits my personality - it looks more "fun" and youthful on me, whereas brown hair makes me look sophisticated and mature...which I deffo am not! :P
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Brunette for sure. :-)

    ^^ True story :)
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    brunette, with long hair sexy eyes and a great smile.....melts me every time
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    What if you are a guy with multiple hair colors naturally.. Inside my hair is a darker brown, outside in sun it's a reddish brown, inside with lights its a sandy brown.
  • 84jeepster
    84jeepster Posts: 198 Member
    girls have hair?
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    ive been pretty much every color or combo imaginable and i like being auburn or red the best

    crazy colors
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    What if you are a guy with multiple hair colors naturally.. Inside my hair is a darker brown, outside in sun it's a reddish brown, inside with lights its a sandy brown.

    then your awesome at life
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    then your awesome at life

    Crap, I better figure out how to start being awesome...added pressure now.
  • mrsmorris13
    girls have hair?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Ok, this is my favorite post!
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I much prefer brunettes. I have been out with them all but certainly found there was more spark with the brunettes.
  • theome
    theome Posts: 101 Member
    A few friends of mine(guys) seem to talk about this quite a bit and think they have it figured out.
    You date blondes, get married to brunettes and have affairs with redheads.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oh and the husband prefers blonde, even me as a blonde which is silly since I have pretty olive skin. I also got treated like i was dumb as a blonde. Needless to say, I didn't keep it long.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    depends on the guy!

    in my experience... "good" guys/boring/idk how else to describe them like blondes
    guys that are more BA i guess?/out there/edgy/creative seem to like darker

    but it depends of the guy for sure! ask yo man!
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Just for fun :D IF you could choose. Which do you like more?

    Blonde, brunette, or redhead?

    Or maybe a mix? ^-^

    I like Black Hair my wife is Asian so I lucked up!!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Oh and the husband prefers blonde, even me as a blonde which is silly since I have pretty olive skin. I also got treated like i was dumb as a blonde. Needless to say, I didn't keep it long.

    this is me^^ olive skin! The blonde is a bit odd on me xD