Anyone else Zumba??

I love the Zumba workout. Seriously, its the first workout that I have done that I actually enjoy doing and don't immediately say "Thank God THATs over" when I'm done. My issue is mustering up the gumption to actually get up and do it. Once I've started, its a non-issue...I love it, awesome, great...but getting there is killing me!

I was wondering if anyone else does it and would maybe like to do a 4 week challenge or something? I am unable to go to Zumba classes (unfortunately because the classes are awesome), but I have purchased the Zumba Exhilarate DVD set. I would just like to be part of a challenge that could possibly motivate me to get back on track with my workouts. I would also love to motivate others to get into a good exercise routine.

My starting goal is to get at least 3 hours of intense cardio each week. Its hard for me to say "60 minutes a day for 3 days, etc" because sometimes my schedule doesn't allow for that and I can only get 20 or 30 minutes in...but I figure as long as I can add it up (no matter how!) to equal 3 hours a week, I'm doing ok!!


  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    I do Zumba as well. 3 classes a week hour each. They are great! Challenge sounds like fun.
  • I love Zumba. I too find it hard to go to the classes even though I would love too. I have the Zumba on the WII but I don't really care for it. I haven't tried the DVD's yet. I would be up for doing a challenge! It would keep me motivated!
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    I love zumba and try to go to all the zumba classes at my gym. I don't have DVDs but I do zumba with YouTube videos sometimes. I woul love to do a zumba challenge. Let me know if you want to start one ?
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    I'm in. I do rumba class 3 times a week. I have a hard time doing anything else. It's just not as fun.
  • I love zumba! i try to attend at least 3 classes a week at the gym, but sometimes my work schedule doesn't allow me to. So if I can't go to the gym I do it on the wii and it's great as well. I'm in if you do a zumba challenge, I love the dancing :)
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm willing. At this time, I won't drive the 12 miles to go to a class, but I like dancing with the You Tube Zumba videos.
  • I love zumba ! Was hooked 4rm 1st class :D what exactly is the zumba challenge ? Count me in !!!
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    The gym I go to has Zumba classes which I am afraid to take, cuz I am a big dude. :noway:
  • Ok!! Sounds like we are all in for this Zumba challenge...let me think about the best way to format it and we will do it!!!!! :) I hope you all add me to friends and then we can check in on each other easily :)
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    I do Zumba 4 times a week and I became friends with the instructor so she actually burns the songs for I can do it at home which is awesome too!