Started about 10 days ago.....

and I LOVE it!

I had no clue how to start and the only thing I knew is that I wanted to start...I have lost 2 lbs so far and I owe so much of it to this website. It has provided me with an easy way to note food and exercies intake and has opened my eyes to a new way to lose weight. I really feel like I can do it this time!


  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    I hear ya! this is the only thing that has worked for me .. and damned if it hasn't been a real eye opener to true calorie values ... Afterall, it really is basic math, i.e. consume less calories than you burn. but most important is that it really lets me see the nutritional value, or lack thereof, in the foods I eat.

    Good luck on your journey ... this is truly the beginning of a healthy lifestyle!
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    Can and are!
    WELCOME :)
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    Isn't this site great?! I had the app on my phone for months before finding the desktop site, and the support is amazing! Welcome :)
  • tiggerzshorty
    Welcome! I love this site too! It is truly surprising the amount of cals I would easily consume in one day. Hubby still does. I asked him if he knew he drinks over 1000 cals a day in coke. Of course he is super skinny, but it will catch up one day!
  • Newstart5
    Thanks everyone for all of the welcomes! Feels great to know that you aren't in it by yourself!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Welcome and congrats on your progress so far!
  • lane31
    lane31 Posts: 2 Member
    I started 10 days ago too! I must admit I am shocked at what the calorie count is for so many of the foods I have been eating in my lifetime. I have been logging everything I have put in my mouth and daily exercise. I have only lost 3 lb. I know that I didn't put this weight on overnight as a matter of fact I have battled my weight since I was 12 years old. BUT I thought I would have seen more progress by now. The only time I was "skinny" in my life was when I had my colon removed and had 4 surgeries over a 15 month time period. I was skinny and I couldn't even enjoy it because I was soooo sick and bed ridden. As soon as I was able to get out of the bed, I added all my weight back on within an 8 month period. I am so depressed and disappointed in myself!!

    I have sent many emails to my friends asking if anyone could use an fitness accountability partner and no one responded. So, I guess I must be the only one of my friends that doesn't have their fitness goals under control! Anyway, I thought I would try this group and see if we can support each other through our journeys!! I truly have a servants heart and therefore I am motivated by always helping others before myself. But, unfortunately, that has put me and my health at the bottom of the list! I really need to do this for me and my family!!

    Good luck with your journey and I hope we can root each other on to our goals!!!!
  • Newstart5
    3 lbs is a lot in 1 week and if I were you, I would be proud! A healthy weight loss should be no more than 2 lbs a week so I think you are doing great!

    I too have struggled for a long time with my weight, but I am determined that I am going to lose the weight and keep it off.

    Good luck with everything and remember that while your friends may not be tryign to lose weight, there are thousands of us that are! :)