Working through Bursitis?

2stepz Posts: 814 Member
edited October 3 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone else out there have bursitis? My left shoulder is pi$$y and irritating, gets to the point where I can't lift my arm to take my shirt off, much less do any weight bearing exercise with it.

If you have problems with this, give me some ideas of how to work through it, or if you've found something that eases the pain, or reduces the inflammation... share! Also - feel free to friend me.


  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I have Interstitial cystitis, which is my bladder is inflamed and i found that with most things that are inflamed and irritating you kinda have to work on different remedies. I found that heat packs work great on me and baths :( but days that it really acts up i cant do too much but take medication and try to let it calm down :)
  • I have bursitis in hip and what helps me is this:

    1. Ice immediately after working out.
    2. Heat if the pain is deep and last a long time. (Only do heat if you do ice before and after though because heat can keep it inflamed.)
    3. Stretch before and after working out
    4. Consider seeing a chiropractor or doctor.
    5. I take a supplement called "Turmeric" which is actually a seasoning but in high doses helps ease inflammation. I started taking it to avoid taking too much ibuprofen or advil
    6. If worst comes to worst, take some ibuprofen or advil
    7. Don't work through it too hard. Do the steps above for a few days and avoid sleeping on that side. Then if you feel the pain reducing start working out again. You can't really exercise through bursitis. You will only worsen it. But you should be able to do cardio. :)

    I'm not a doctor but I've been there. If you haven't been to a doctor yet, you really should. Although they will probably recommend a cordisone steriod injection which is pricy and only works one or two times. It's a temporary fix.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Are you sure it's bursitis? Could it be shoulder impingement (frozen shoulder) or rotator cuff problems? If you can't raise your arm without lots of pain, you need to see a Dr. or physical therapist and be evaluated. Until you can see someone, take an anti-inflammatory medication (if you can.)

    Hope you feel better soon.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    I have seen a doctor about it, but he just told me to rest it and take advil. That doesn't keep it from coming back, and really isn't all that useful on a day to day basis. For a while I was wearing my left arm in a sling to keep me from using it... but that's extreme. I can do cardio, but the jostling of the shoulder during my jaunts keeps the inflammation from dissipating. (Doesn't get WORSE, but doesn't get better either.) I'll have to look in to tumeric. I take several supplements as it is, so I might just be able to add that to my list if it helps.
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Svanhoecke
    How long have you had it for? Do you find stretching helps? I was stretching to begin with after I first injured my hip, but I have had less pain since I stopped stretching (could be a coincidence).
  • faw1001:

    I can see how stretching good aggravate it if it is really bad. When it is at its worst, it is best to just rest it. But once it heals a bit, you have to keep it in motion or it will get stiff. I have had chronic hip bursitis for almost 2 years.
  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member

    I can see how stretching good aggravate it if it is really bad. When it is at its worst, it is best to just rest it. But once it heals a bit, you have to keep it in motion or it will get stiff. I have had chronic hip bursitis for almost 2 years.

    I started physio last week and found out I have a week Glut Med and an extremely tense IT band. The physio gave me more stretches to do which again made it worse so now I do them only after my workout, so I can still do the workout. I also have to use a ball or foam roller on my IT and to get the tension out and do an exercise to strengthen my Glut Med, which has easily doubled in strength in one week :smile:
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