
I have totally fell off the wagon! I was down to 170 ( my first goal). Then in July I did an 8K and have not had the desire to workout since then. That was way back in July! I have gained about 10 lbs back now and I feel like hell. Any words of advice for getting back on track? I know I can do it! I just need to focus.



  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    First off, stop thinking of it as a "diet". It is a lifestyle choice you made. Now, look back and think about why you made that choice. For your health, for your well-being, for your family. If you would trade all of that rather than getting up and doing some physical activity, then don't do it (I hope that's not the case).
    Think about all of the good that will come out of it. Envision your ideal self, and know you can get there with a little work.
    There will always be bumps in the road- a little setback does not undo everything you have done and you will not have to start from scratch. You have the tools and ability to become your ideal self, it's just a matter of getting up and making a change.
    Don't take the easy way out- nobody is going to hand you your goals; it's up to you to make it happen!
    Don't give up- message me if you need some support and motivation. I KNOW you can do it!
  • Chellski
    Chellski Posts: 42 Member
    Hey there, I lost my motivation recently as well, and what i have found helps (as i am a competitive person) is setting a challenge. 30 minutes of exercise for 30 days. It also helps to have someone you feel you can talk to and even sometimes compete with in your weight loss effort, but you really need to not think of this as a diet, think of it as a long term life style. so keep your eating and exercise at a level you will be able to maintain without losing motivation or denying yourself certain things so you will end up binging. Also, remember that you may not see results immediately, but if you get your habits right then your body will soon follow!!
  • Terriberry
    the fact that your asking for help is the first step. the second is realizing that you need to get back on it. you're halfway there. Keep going. Add me if you like.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    I am an advocate of BODY FOR LIFE --- --- I workout and try to eat right for my KIDS...... Find something that can motivate you. Short term goals like the 8k are good to have. Now find another one. I turn 40 in 20 days. I am determined to not look a day over 36,,,,LOL. Thats my short goal. HAve those cheat days or cheat meals to get over the hump. Never go cold turkey for when you taste something you love and know is bad.... YOU may go off the deep end. SO I have three cheat meals a week. I mean do not go crazy..... Cheat to me is going to Japanese restaurant and not MCDonalds.

    Use what you are holding in your PIC as motivation .
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    This has to be a life change, not a diet. It took me a lifetime to become obese. A lifetime of horrible decisions about what I was putting in my body. Now for the rest of my life I will be making better choices. One bad decision does not lead to a bad day, a bad week or a bad month. I don't even allow myself that option. I do allow myself to eat what I want within certain guidelines, and what works for me is hitting protein goals daily, limiting sugar and caffeine & eating unlimited veggies & fruits. Most days I am under on calories, but I don't stress about that. If I go to a party and have cake, then that's it. One decision. I'm not off the wagon, life isn't ruined and I haven't killed my diet. I just keep on keeping on. This is my life. And this will be a life of healthy decisions. It took me a lifetime to become obese. Now I have a lifetime to become healthy. Best wishes to you...
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    it's like sports, it's 90% mental. i have the same problems you mention, but know that weight is not a set thing. i used to think, oh i've always been bigger, and yes i've always been bigger because of bad eating habits. that's all! so what needs to change? eating habits! i dropped two sizes this year and i'm looking to drop another two in the next nine months.
    i think it was on long did it take you to start smoking? so what makes you think you can just quit so fast? it's a gradual thing.
    maybe you set your eating patterns too stiffly at the beginning, too much restriction making you not be able to keep it up. try to slowly transition..find out what the calories you need to survive would be then eat 80% for a week or two, then lower it to 70%, 60% etc until you are at the 1200 MFP recommends (it might be more than 60%, depending on your height and current weight)

    i can tell you...if you stick with it..past 10 pounds..maybe to 20 when you can really see a difference and lose a dress will NEVER want to be 180 again!!