
digitaldigital Posts: 73 Member
edited October 2024 in Introduce Yourself
So the first time I didn't really know what to say. Well now that I've looked around got comfortable with the website I want to redo my intro.

So I've been 250lbs since I was 14 years old and lost weight down to 215lbs when I took Phentermine at 15 and I've been fighting my weight ever since I gained it back after I got off the pills. Now that I'm older and have more fire inside me I'm determine to fight for my goal of 170lbs :) My goal by this coming spring is 190lbs.

I love lifting weights because it makes me feel like a super hero and when I run (or at least attempt to run) I feel like I'm running away from little fat monsters and problems. So I've never sought support before even though I do have support from my parents but they don't always do so well. They like to eat a lot :P it's in our Filipino/Mexican nature.

Anyways I just got out of a long relationship which was not good for me (I still feel upset). So the sadness I feel from my relationship I turn to anger and then I turn to fuel for me to want to exercise and strive to be better.

Anyways I'm looking for more people who want to be super awesome and kick it with me :) So I'm willing to add anyone who wants to get support and wants to give out support too.


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