3 Week Plateau

Is it true!? Is it true that after only 3 weeks your body gets used to the same exercise you have been doing and you hit a plateau, where your only mantaining and not losing any weight!? Is there someone out there who has been doing the same cardio routine for more than 3 weeks and still seeing progress?


  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    I don't know about the timeline, but yes the body will get used to the workout if kept the same. increase the intensity when things get too easy.
  • threnjen
    threnjen Posts: 687 Member
    Burning calories (and losing weight) is just a math problem. 1 lb is 3500 calories. Exercising will burn calories, so if you're exercising, you are burning calories! My guess is you are probably eating more calories than you realize and are eating at maintenance mode (or closer to it and therefore feel slow) even when you add in the calories burned from exercise. Also, you burn less calories as your body becomes healthier and your old exercise becomes easier for you to handle. Keep in mind your maintenance calories will go down as you lose weight because your body needs less. Don't worry, there is no plateau! Just keep on exercising, but make it harder if you have to. You are getting healthier all the time!!
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    Thanks you guys i actually have been eating the right amount of calories sometimes minus a couple hundred but i was just wondering because this week coming would be my third week and i wanted to know if i should switch it up far as different cardio exercises i should do.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    @threnjen I know you mean well... but certain people DO unfortunataly hit that dreaded plateau...and it's not just a math problem.... for some, it is INDEED as you described.... For some of of us though, all the proper number crunching etc. in the world does not always show on the scale. I have a bodybugg..and track every bite here...and this past month...should have lost 10 or 11 pounds according to those...and lost... nothing. Yes I work out with weights, circuit training to failure, 3x a week..cardio, 5-7 days a week... I know I am smaller... inch wise and clothes fit...but...the number has not budged....this is month 3 of very little number loss...but can definatally tell clothing and shape wise..and yes.. I hit high intensity in my cardio often, switch up my excercise, eat small meals 5-6 times a day...etc.etc... some of our bodies just do not behave * by the book*....

    Just gentle reminder the number plateaus do happen for some of us... and it's NOT always improperly tracking....

    I worry sometime for new people starting out they may stop if they get stuck like this...so I felt inclined to put in my two cents... ;) It has taken me 2.5 years to lose about 85 pounds....and have 100 to go..... but I would rather have this achingly slow progress..then go back the way I came!

    @ Dawn, when I started out, I lost more quickly the first 6 months....so I think it depends on what your body is used to... adding varied weight training, varied intensity, and different sorts of workouts here and there will keep your body guessing though and not as likely to get stuck...but even if you do get stuck...and I am, and have more then once...it will start up again eventually...just keep changing things up, and things will get going again!!!! Some people also have success cycling lower and higher carb days... but don't give up!!!!! :)
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    I think a change up is always GREAT! It keeps the body guessing. For sure change up your intensity and be sure you are getting the water and fruits and veggies. I need to add more fruit and veggies to change up the eating. Plateaus happen I am in and out of one as well, loose 0, then when I shake it up I loose, but revert back I loose 0 again. So you have to keep playing the 'game' with your body and learn what pushes it to the next level. Most important, dont give up! Keep pushing.
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    embersfallen I GREATLY appreciate your words because I have gotten to that point (before I started my fitness pal) where I exercised everyday and ate right and I did not lose any weight or I would lose 5lbs and gain 10 back, it got so crazy to the point where I gave up. So I am back at it again and trying my fitness pal just hoping that the work I put in will count so its great to hear I was not the only one and that someone has gone through what I have went thru and did not give up. Thanks for your encouraging words! Also, your so right about people and their bodies and weight not working by the book or having to go by the book because I am 5'11 and i was 197 but now am 238 and I do not for the life of me think I should weigh what the books say which is around 150 to 170 because when I was 197 I looked fine so the books are not always correct.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I am at a 2.5 week plateau here! I have switched things around but scale is not budging at all! And of all things it stuck at 201! Couldn't let me get into onederland before sticking could it??? Yes I have lost 3.75 inches in those weeks but I feel you on the number!!! Let me know if it changes and what you did!!!
  • It actually takes 2 weeks for you body to adjust to the workout you've been doing. More specifically your muscles are no longer confused after 2 weeks. You need to switch up your workout every 2 weeks. This doesn't just mean changing the weight your using. You need to be incorporating all different types of variables: angle of resistance, type of exercise, circuit training, heavy to light, isometrics, plyometrics, etc. The goal is always muscle confusion, if we constantly break down the muscle then build it back up, we will have success.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Just keep in mind that even if you hit a plateau and the scale doesn't move the way you want, you are still helping make your heart and body stronger! Eventually the scale will start to move again. Good luck!
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    thanks all!! I will be sure to switch it up...not quite sure how...any ideas?
    @cantjustcant I dont think I hit a plateau yet but if and when I do I will be sure to tell you what I did to change the scale.
    Anyone feel free to add me! I am still pretty new here and could use encouraging words, friends who understand, advice and support. I will be sure to return it as well!! :)
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    lol....I am ready to take my scale out back and shoot it to put it out of my misery!
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    lol....I am ready to take my scale out back and shoot it to put it out of my misery!

    LOL!!!! you sound like me!!! It sounds like a plan! I'll round up the shotguns.
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    lol....I am ready to take my scale out back and shoot it to put it out of my misery!

    ohhhhh ladies. Let's have a scale shot put party! LMAO! Or maybe some hammers?! ;) Darn evil things... I had the same thing too.. 5 inches, but no poundage! Grooowl. LOL.

    It TIS good to know we are not alone! We've all been, or are there..and we will ALL get through to the other side of these numbers if we stay consistantly hard @ work!

    As to switiching it up, like the one poster said, different aspects of the same workouts, angles, etc... the weight training I do is ChaLEAN Extreme...and it's cool, because it does 4 weeks of one * Circuit* but within that circuit are 3 different days..and you are encouraged to lift heavier and heavier until you hit fatigue each time..so it automatically varies things if you do that... the other thing would be going a few minutes longer, getting heartrate/activity level higher or adding in a HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training)... I use TurboFire for that, but you can find some HIITS on youtube... or even do like 20 seconds @ high intensity, 10 seconds lower back and forth...sometimes I do that on my elliptical...

    If you work in an office like I do, take your break and go for a walk, or part of your lunch... etc.....
  • Dawn_S
    Dawn_S Posts: 15
    Lol at the shot a scale party! Im down lol
    And that was great advice!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I'm on month 4 of plateau. I've tried switching things up. I've tried increasing cals, lowering cals, more workouts, less workouts, etc, etc, etc. Been eating pretty healthy with occasional splurges. Nothing. I keep on being stuck on the same numbers, both on scale and by tape measure.

    It's really frustrating.

    The first 5 months I lost quite a bit, about 40 lbs. Then it just halted and have been ever since, no matter what.

    I think 4 months is quite a long time to plateau. I figured it would have broken by now and one number or the other would have shrunk.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    ok....I take back everything mean I said about my scale....IT MOVED! 201 to 199.0!!!

    It's now my friend again!

    ohhhh but that doesn't mean if it starts its crap again that I won't shoot it!