**CLOSED** New Year, New You Challenge: Week 2

Good morning and Happy Monday! Our group is almost 150 members strong...we have plenty of support to get through the holidays. We have a lot of people who just finished up their first week and we have just as many who are joining us today. Let's make sure we get those weights and miles logged!

How did everyone's weekend go? Is everyone ready for this?

Last week went well for me but eating this weekend was pretty difficult. I stayed under calories but didn't make good choices and I didn't do any walking yesterday. I was not feeling well and neither was my toddler...and when she's sick she wants no one but mommy. I got up this morning and got a mile out of the way.

So what kind of exercise is everyone doing to get their miles in? Walking? Swimming? Running? Aerobics? Remember...it doesn't matter how you go the miles...they all count!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and here's to a great week!!! :smile:


  • skinee4life
    skinee4life Posts: 15 Member
    It was an okay weekend. I have been in a bit of a funk the past couple of months, and am thankful that I found this awesome group!

    I didn't make as good of food choices as I would have liked, but I woke up this morning with a better outlook and attitude towards my weigh loss. My husband's family celebrated Thanksgiving this weekend instead of last weekend, so there were a LOT of temptations. On the upside, I ran in race Saturday as part of a Marathon Relay team, and completed my Leg 2 (11.5km) in 1 hour and 35 mins! Not bad considering there were some 90 degreee hills, running through farmers fields, and slopping through creeks! I'm feeling it today!!

    I'm happy with my weight loss for the week....and congrats to you gkeith1971 for your weight loss this week!!

    Have an awesome week everyone :smile:
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all! I'm down 3 lbs this week. Woo hoo! Did almost 12 miles - mostly walking, but a couple of them on a stationary bike. My exercise yesterday was helping my daughters practice soccer for an hour and a half. I am so sore today! I didn't know how to track that for miles, so I didn't bother. I'd rather just keep track of my actual miles walked anyway. :) Looking forward to another great week!
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    My week went great! I was in my calorie range- I had a week of clean eating where I ate little to no sugar. I exercised- walked at lunch, lifted weights, did some spinning!

    But then the weekend happened. And it was was horrid. Because of it, my weigh in today was the same as last. Really stinks when you work really really hard only to have one bad day ruin your efforts!

    Weather is changing in Iowa and I really wanted to make some baked goods for the family... so I made some bread pudding and chocolate cookies. The bread pudding is what killed me. As I was cleaning up dishes last night, I ended up tossing what remained. Could not have that in the house when only I was eating it! With the cookies packed away, I can easily stay away from them.

    So instead of focusing on the negatative- here's what I did right- I exercised. I logged my food and was honest. I tossed out the temptation.

    Next weekend, I am going to have to do some planning so that I can have a good weighin on Monday!
  • JMcElrath23
    JMcElrath23 Posts: 14 Member
    ahh i didnt know it doesnt matter how you "do" the miles i thought it was only walking... i guess i need to go change my numbers then, another 2 miles! woo hoo :) I typically was walking and not counting riding bike as a mileage form but now i will add that to it! nice! My weekend was not ideal. We went camping and I made my breakfast and lunches and planned for dinner. So 3/4 of the day was great then night came and... i gave into snack food ugh.. plus ate out on the way home b/c we ran outta time.. so this week will look better, starting off right today and will continue all week!
  • MrsSpratt
    MrsSpratt Posts: 200 Member
    I did well with my miles (16.75 for the week) but didn't lose any weight. I didn't gain either, though, which is good. I feel like I need to do something different but not sure what.
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Well, I'm a little deflated today. I'm up just shy of a pound. I didn't log on Monday or Tuesday, but I'm pretty certain there's no way I ate enough on those two days to use up the 1500 I was under for the week, PLUS an additional about 3500 for the gain. I'm going to assume the whole thing is due to an impending AF as well as a whole load of sodium. I have no idea what is up with it, but my life seems to be gravitating toward Sodium Sundays, which kind of blows with a Monday weigh-in. Sigh.

    Anyhow, I'm looking at heading out for another walk today (it's chilly outside, but that's okay as long as it's not raining!), as well as my usual around and about, and preschooler-wrangling, laundry-doing and such. So far, I'm still using the pedometer that only counts at 60%, so I'm doing some fast-math at the end of the day, but I'm averaging about 4mi/day, which is pretty good news for me. With any amount of luck, I'll even make it to a regular occurrence of 10'000 steps. That sounds good to me. ^_^
  • Keiora
    Keiora Posts: 36 Member
    My week went pretty well... I'm down 3.4 pounds and got 14.4 (a mixture of biking, swimming and walking) miles in, feeling pretty good about that. The loss was nice, it broke a bit of a plateau I'd hit so it felt really nice to see the scale dip below 319! This week I'm back to the eating plan that got me started losing weight, looking forward to weigh in next week! <3
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I'm excited about starting!!! I did 4 Leslie miles this morning, will do another 1.5 tonight walking the dogs. Ready to kick some butt as the year winds down!!!!!
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    Did good this week, lost 2lbs:smile: . I had a bit of a treat at the weekend and had a trip to York. Had a few bad things food wise but it is the first time I haven't strictly stuck to my calorie intake, on the plus side I made up a chunk of miles, went walking round York in glorious autumn sunshine for nearly 4 non stop hours, loved it :happy: . According to pedometer walked 10 miles in all and burned over 700 calories! (plus another 15 miles through out the week...mainly from work) It was the first bit of exercise for over a week as I have been made up with cold. Going to ease myself back into things tonight with a bit of dancing.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Well, I posted my start weight for this challenge - 146. I feel like i'm almost starting over again, because I had gotten down to 137 after being in the hospital this summer. So I gained back the 6 lbs I lost in the hospital, plus another 3 on top of that :( I am starting Hal Higdon's 12 weeks novice program to run a 1/2 marathon. Today's the first day, and it's a Stretch and Strengthen day. So I will be doing a weight workout this afternoon. No miles for that, I guess, but I should be racking up the miles pretty soon! I'm eager to start "meeting" some of you and sending friend requests :)
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    Already having a good day. I went out and a bought a perdomiter on saturday and have managed to step at least 10,000. steps. Not sure how I'm going to enter my miles, just workouts or full day's steps? Any suggestions how most people are entering is appreciated. I want to wish everyone luck! For me I've been on and off MFP for two years. This is it! I am ready for the challenge and to get myself healthy! My goal is to loose 8-10#'s by december 10th. I know it's pushing it, I was invited to a Holiday Party in a beautiful location (hotel on the beach) and I want to feel and look great! I found this website with beautiful designer dresses that you can rent for a fractionof the cost, the thing is the dress I like only comes in a size 10 and under. So my goal is to be a comfortable 10. Wish me luck!
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,268 Member
    My weekend was just okay. I did not make great food choices and I did not eat much. :( I also didn't exercise. I have fallen off the 30ds bandwagon. But let me tell ya'll, I will be chasing that bad boy tonight and plan to get right back on!
  • PinkPrettyKitty
    PinkPrettyKitty Posts: 11 Member
    Today went well for me. With all the walking I did in the morning, at work, then after work I got in a good mile today. Yesterday I spent 2.5 hours raking the yard so that was my exercise for yesterday, haha. I haven't gained/loss anything since I have only started this challenge today. Tonight's menu is a good healthy salad and some baked home-made macaroni and cheese! Nice comfort food for the declining weather.
  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    My week was decent. I also got a new pedometer. I guess I'm just converting total steps to miles and going with that. (I need to count anything I can get) I will need to pick it up on the miles soon! I didn't realize how many steps it really takes. Lost a pound this week, which feels like....not very much. But I guess it's right on schedule when I think about it.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,374 Member
    It's great to see everyone checking in! The key to remember is this is not a sprint! We have 12 weeks left to achieve what we are here to achieve. We will all have ups and downs from day to day and week to week. We will have emotional eating. We will have days where we are way under our calories and days where we don't even want to log everything we ate. We'll have weigh ins where we look at that number and are excited to see a change, where we're at a steady number and realize that it's ok and also where we gained and want to give up.

    Please don't give up! We have a group 150 members strong here. This is a HUGE support system. Way bigger then I ever would've guessed it would get.

    If you need more friends/support...reach out to people in the group who you aren't yet friends with. I have actually already seen some of this happening.

    I am so proud to be a part of this group. I had one bad eating day yesterday and I had quite a few people tell me that it would be ok and to move on to today. It made it easier to go ahead and log the things I shouldn't have eaten and to click that I was done updating. A few weeks ago...I would've skipped over that part and started over today. You all have given me so much strength. I can't wait to get to know everyone more over the next 3 months. To help you and lean on you as we go through the holidays that have come to mean packing on the pounds.

    Thanks so much for being here with me!!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Already having a good day. I went out and a bought a perdomiter on saturday and have managed to step at least 10,000. steps. Not sure how I'm going to enter my miles, just workouts or full day's steps? Any suggestions how most people are entering is appreciated. I want to wish everyone luck! For me I've been on and off MFP for two years. This is it! I am ready for the challenge and to get myself healthy! My goal is to loose 8-10#'s by december 10th. I know it's pushing it, I was invited to a Holiday Party in a beautiful location (hotel on the beach) and I want to feel and look great! I found this website with beautiful designer dresses that you can rent for a fractionof the cost, the thing is the dress I like only comes in a size 10 and under. So my goal is to be a comfortable 10. Wish me luck!
    I have been wearing mine all day, including my workouts. I think the idea is to log as many miles as you can, regardless of how you get there.

    Your holiday party sound exciting! What a great target too - wearing a designer dress. Good luck getting to your goal!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    My "off to a roaring start" seems to have splattered on the pavement. Not that I'm losing (or have lost) motivation (or weight), but because I was so gung ho to get out and get going... I took my preschooler out for walks in the rain. I had him in his raincoat, in the buggy, under a poncho. Me? I don't own a raincoat, so out I went in my spring/fall jacket. Now, looking at this in hindsight, the result I've hit today is a "duh, obvious" level of should-have-seen-that-coming, but hindsight being 20/20 and all. x.x;; I went to bed at the same time as my preschooler last night. I woke up this morning because I need to take him to preschool. I am still exhausted, I'm shivering and runny nosed... I feel like about six kinds of *kitten*.

    Even better, today is game day. Every Tuesday, we have a handful of people over to the house to play either Pathfinder or Mutants and Masterminds. The Pathfinder game (this week) is the one I play in. I also cook dinner for everyone who wants to eat. And this week is grocery shopping, which means that because I slept last night, I have to do the list today, as well as game prep and people-coming-over prep... And all I want to do is sleep some more. Ugh.
  • michie27
    michie27 Posts: 421 Member
    Anyone in the group does spinning classes? I tried my first one last Friday and love it (despite the butt pain) but the bikes do not track mileage. Do you know what the average is for a 60 min spin class?

  • cnkan0119
    cnkan0119 Posts: 113 Member
    Being honest I didn't have the greatest week last week. Home hunting and didn't get myself up to do it in the morning. Didn't eat too bad thought............. Will have to get some running in to make up my miles from last week. Did have a weight loss though.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I did ok...ate too much, but was able to lose 0.4 ounces...Not that good, but I take it...at least it was not a gain...
    Was only able to do 5 Miles...had trouble with my left hip...Hope this weeks things will be better.