Ripped in 30 - Week 2 (day 2) --- struggling to get these ri

I am really struggling with Week 2 of Ripped in 30... I do not feel I am getting out of it, what I should be because I cannot get these exercises right.... they have a lot of syncronized movements and I am struggling to put these together properly....

I am thinking that I am hurting my calorie burn by not doing an exercise routine that suits me but then I don't want to give up on the challenge...

When they are saying to lift and pull and rotate or sink,... I am not able to do the same or pull the same direction.... ugghh...

Could this be too advance for a newbie??? or is it just a learning curve??


  • jaxnjosh
    jaxnjosh Posts: 50 Member
    I do RI30 with some friends at work. I have been at it a while. Its been a hard routine so dont get down on urself. Just keep it up. It wil get easier. I promise. Good Luck, Jax :)