Operation: Sexy Claus Week #5 10.17.11 *Closed Group*

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Good Morning and happy Monday ladies! Going into week #5!!! I hope everyone has had a good week and is ready for an even better one this week.

Please make sure to put your weight on the spreadsheet and it is also measurement time, so please don't forget those this week as well:


Question of the Day: Now that we are are going on week 5, take some time to reflect and discuss what you feel you are doing well and where you feel you need to improve in order to meet your personal goal by the end of this challenge.


  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    LW: 199
    CW: 199.6

    :(:( I can honestly say that I have been doing AWFUL!!!! There is no one to blame but myself!! I need to get my act together because at this point I dont think its possible to meet the goal I had by the end of this challenge. BUT I can do everything in my power starting today to get as close to that goal as possible! It isnt going to be easy to get back on track because its soo easy to be unhealthy but I am going to work at it because tomorrow is over and today is a new day. I am going to drink tons of water, eat healthy and try my hardest to get my workouts in from here on out!!
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    LW: 199
    CW: 199.6

    :(:( I can honestly say that I have been doing AWFUL!!!! There is no one to blame but myself!! I need to get my act together because at this point I dont think its possible to meet the goal I had by the end of this challenge. BUT I can do everything in my power starting today to get as close to that goal as possible! It isnt going to be easy to get back on track because its soo easy to be unhealthy but I am going to work at it because tomorrow is over and today is a new day. I am going to drink tons of water, eat healthy and try my hardest to get my workouts in from here on out!!

    I'm with you 100% !!!!! Let's get r done!!!!

    Fprgpt to post my weight

    today 172.8....UP form last week 171.:grumble:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    LW: 212

    I am really happy with the loss and this should make me on target to hit my mini-goal by Halloween, so I am definitely glad about that.

    I think what I am doing well is keeping my portion sizes small and not overeating or indulging in sweets. I think I only really have once or twice since we started and I am glad about that. I need to work on getting in consistent workouts for sure. I am definitely going to make a workout schedule this week and what I think I will do is just wake up at 5:30 3 days this week Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to get my workouts in at home and then go to the boxing gym that I joined on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. So I am going to put these down on my calendar so I can really keep myself to it.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    LW: 199
    CW: 199.6

    :(:( I can honestly say that I have been doing AWFUL!!!! There is no one to blame but myself!! I need to get my act together because at this point I dont think its possible to meet the goal I had by the end of this challenge. BUT I can do everything in my power starting today to get as close to that goal as possible! It isnt going to be easy to get back on track because its soo easy to be unhealthy but I am going to work at it because tomorrow is over and today is a new day. I am going to drink tons of water, eat healthy and try my hardest to get my workouts in from here on out!!
    I'm with you 100% !!!!! Let's get r done!!!!

    Fprgpt to post my weight

    today 172.8....UP form last week 171.

    Ok you two...you ladies can totally do it! Most importantly remind yourselves that you OWE IT TO YOU to get this done! You are both awesome and it is going to take sacrifice and pure determination, but you can both do it. I have total faith in you ladies!
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member

    I am happy with where I am at so far I think I am going to reach my goal before December. When I started I was 232 and now I"m 223 and I'm one pound away from losing my first 10lbs. I'm glad I've been losing because I was sick all last week so I wasn't able to work out. This week I'm feeling a lot better so I got to get my workout in my body is missing it. Starting back on my 30 day shred today!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    I am happy with where I am at so far I think I am going to reach my goal before December. When I started I was 232 and now I"m 223 and I'm one pound away from losing my first 10lbs. I'm glad I've been losing because I was sick all last week so I wasn't able to work out. This week I'm feeling a lot better so I got to get my workout in my body is missing it. Starting back on my 30 day shred today!!!!

    Way to go girl! Way to be kickin butt!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    LW: 185.6
    CW: 177.2!

    (8.4 lbs - I'm on the 17 Day Diet. 177.2 is the weight I was at in May of this year, AND it's my lowest weight ever to date! :bigsmile: )

    I'll have to remember to input measurements!

    QOD: I totally need to workout more. I went on a little walk on Sat, but did nothing yesterday! I'm really busy, and I know my days are going to be SO BUSY for the next 30 days, so I need to schedule in my time and do some workouts. Despite losing a lot of weight this week, I want to look TONED! I want to feel more confident with my body and in my clothes, and I want to see ABS again! Back to the Shred!

    Thanks Krys! Great loss! We're in the same boat for working out. Gotta set that calendar!! If you are willing to get up at 5:30 to do this, I have no doubt that you are serious, and will get it done!

    brooke0206... There's a quote that goes something like, "It's hard to workout and eat right, but think about how hard it is to live unhealthy! We have to choose what is more difficult." The idea was that, being unhealthy can be seen as more difficult that being healthy in the long run. I thought this quote (that I've poorly recalled) could benefit you. "Change your mind; change you life." -- Billy Blanks

    kiki75243... Congrats on your near 10 lbs!! Let's get with this Shred again together! I'll do mine tonight after class!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    LW: 180
    CW: 182

    Am I happy with the weight gain over the past few weeks nope...but I must say that whilst having my breakdown this morning the tape measure was my saving grace...I lost 1 " on my waist and 2" on my hips and bust....

    QOD: Over the past couple of months it has been a hard transition for me...having a new job at a new location. I've changed up my routine, eating habits everything. When October started I really wanted to push hard and see results..I had all kinds of plans but nothing worked....most days I was too tired to even shower far less exercise...but on Saturday I did a hike....as tired as I was I committed myself to doing this hike at 5 am.....when it was over I told myself if I can do a 5 mile hike on trecherous terrain in the mud and wet...I CAN WORK OUT for 20 mins a day ....

    So I'm going back to basics....I will do something everyday...if my boyfriend is being a jerk and doesnt want to hold my son for me to exercise (which became a huge problem the last time I attempted Shred) I will do a workout that both myself and my toddler can enjoy..either Walk at Home or Zumba....if my boyfriend decides that he must watch TV at the same time I am exercising I will make up my own circuit routine with jumping jacks etc....I'm committed to do this and I know It will happen...

    I know I've said this but my philosophy is today is a new day...makes no sense complaining about yesterday
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    LW: 169.8
    CW: 168.7

    I've been able to stay consistent with my eating and keeping my calories under control. But like so many of you, I struggle to be consistent with my workouts. I had been doing P90X but suddenly got bored with the workouts. My mind was yearning for something different. And so I started jogging but find that my joints aren't yet ready to handle that day after day. And I do much better with a set printed schedule and when I know the day before exactly what workout I am going to be doing (one of the reasons I loved P90X and Insanity so much). I tend to not workout if I have to decide on a workout the day of. So perhaps I need to develop a routine on the computer and print it out. Hopefully that will help me get my minutes and calorie burn in week after week.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    LW: 220.8
    CW: 218

    Yay! Finally a good loss. I knew once TOM was over I would see a decent loss. Now, I must keep this momentum going! And I also need to take my measurements tonight!

    Things I have been really good at during this challenge so far is bringing good snacks/planning out my weekdays and working out. With the exception of one week where I only worked out 3x, I've been working out about 5 to 6 days a week since the challenge started. I'm really proud of myself for that.

    Things I need to work on are WEEKENDS. I'm usually soooo good all week then find a way to blow it either by drinking or eating out with friends. This past weekend I found a happy medium and I will continue to keep fighting on the weekends to avoid a blowout. I WILL continue to lose.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    QOD: I am happy about finishing the first 2 phases of P90X. I am doing my second "rest" week of the program and then the last 34 days!! I always quit around this time, but I am committed to this and I will finish this time around. And although I have not lost as much as I hoped to lose so far, I am definitely seeing a difference in the way my clothes have been fitting lately. I have to work on my eating habits though. The problem with doing P90X is I burn about 500 calories and then I eat things I shouldn't because I "need" to eat back those calories. :(

    I will post my weight and measurements when I get home.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    LW: 185.6
    CW: 177.2!

    (8.4 lbs - I'm on the 17 Day Diet. 177.2 is the weight I was at in May of this year, AND it's my lowest weight ever to date! :bigsmile: )

    I'll have to remember to input measurements!

    QOD: I totally need to workout more. I went on a little walk on Sat, but did nothing yesterday! I'm really busy, and I know my days are going to be SO BUSY for the next 30 days, so I need to schedule in my time and do some workouts. Despite losing a lot of weight this week, I want to look TONED! I want to feel more confident with my body and in my clothes, and I want to see ABS again! Back to the Shred!

    Thanks Krys! Great loss! We're in the same boat for working out. Gotta set that calendar!! If you are willing to get up at 5:30 to do this, I have no doubt that you are serious, and will get it done!

    brooke0206... There's a quote that goes something like, "It's hard to workout and eat right, but think about how hard it is to live unhealthy! We have to choose what is more difficult." The idea was that, being unhealthy can be seen as more difficult that being healthy in the long run. I thought this quote (that I've poorly recalled) could benefit you. "Change your mind; change you life." -- Billy Blanks

    kiki75243... Congrats on your near 10 lbs!! Let's get with this Shred again together! I'll do mine tonight after class!!

    Well freakin' GO YOU! LOL Way to go girl! Rocking it out!
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Good Monday morning, ladies!!!! I hope everyone had a great week. I am sooooo happy to report that I am finally off of this plateau! YAY!!!! I weighed Saturday because I started doing WW again on that day and still no change, but when I weighed in this morning for our challenge, I was down 1 lb. Yes!

    QOD: So far on this challenge, the one thing I've done consistently is exercise, and I'm proud of that because for me that is huge! My eating habits were spotty because I was on a plateau and trying different eating plans and getting frustrated and then taking "break" before starting the next plan. So now what I need to do is those two things consistently, and I have since Saturday, so I just have to keep it up. Here's to a great week!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    LW: 159.6
    CW: 159.8

    I had a COMPLETELY off week, so to be honest, I am completely surprised that number is not 5lbs higher! I logged all my calories from this weekend today (since I disappeared for the weekend)... and even though I thought I was SO over everyday, I was eating around 1800 calories (which is kinda maintenance for me). So it's good to know that maintenance will not be impossible... eventually.

    I'm trying to get back on track. Had fast food for lunch, though, but only 470cals. I know it was still unhealthy, but at least I didn't go nuts. Going to make some better choices for dinner tonight and the rest of the week!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Question of the Day: Now that we are are going on week 5, take some time to reflect and discuss what you feel you are doing well and where you feel you need to improve in order to meet your personal goal by the end of this challenge.

    I have a lot of reflection to do. GAIN after GAIN. I really need to stop using my emotions as a barrier during this journey. I am PMS'y this week however I will not use that as an excuse I will be tracking every piece of food that goes into my mouth. I put my diary to private temp. so I can work out my WW in with the diary. I am thinking WW will probably go out the window because I can already see it being too much work where MFP is familar food diary wise to me. I have a doctors appointment tom. for a physical and will be getting blood work done to check out my thyroid. Hoping and praying all goes well that the way I have been feeling is all stress related. I will keep everyone updated. But honestly I can say that I feel like garbage because of the way I have been eatting which isnt helping my stress its making it worse!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    UGH Totally BAD week...

    Wasn't feeling well, over ate, didn't work out like I should have... over all just not good

    Going forward, I NEED to keep up with my 100oz of water a day, I need to log EVERYTING i eat (gotten really bad about this over the past 2 weeks!), I need to do SOMETHING active everyday - So I am doing My Wii everyday - either yoga, Wii Fit, Wii sports or EA active. I also really need to just be honest with myself. If I have a bad day, own up to it and remember that it's only one day and that tomorrow will be better.
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member

    What I need to do to achieve my goal is to budget in more time for me! This should be easier within the next 1-2 weeks as my son's baseball is ending... and our Saturday's will soon be freed up as soccer ends 10/29.

    I also need to change my mindset about going to the gym in the evening / at night. (an early AM workout would be helpful to).

    So... all in all, scheduling my workouts & making the time for them even if it inconveniences others in the family at times, b/c I certainly inconvenience myself for them ALL the time :)

    Hugs all,
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Though I still want to lose weight...I've let myself start believing that i am hungrier for food than i am hungry to be thin. Slipping back into old standby behaviors....not a good sign. need to refocus and work on portion size, choosing the right foods (planning ahead esp. with the new job that has longer hours) and making time to move. I haven't "worked out" in WAY too long. i see what works, I've proved tht I can do this If i work at it...but I just have to make it my priority again!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    LW 177.9
    Today's Weight: 175.5

    Yay! But I still am SO sick and tired of that number! I have been between 175 and 182 for over 2 months...it goes back and forth fluctuating and it's griping my ever loving nerves! The past few weeks I have really bumped up my exercising... but in doing so I think my mindset has been well I'm working it off so I have free range to eat what I want kinda thing...so I'll burn a pile of calories and then eat them back... which is ok... but I'm eating them back w/ greasy pizza, burgers, etc...and that's just not how I need to be doing it...so my focus this week is to eat cleaner and better, and still try to exercise... going to be a difficult week to exercise b/c I am missing Zumba tonight...I have to sing a church members memorial service... the rest of the week will be kinda crazy, hopefully I'll be able to go to Zumba on wednesday!! I hate when I miss a day of it since it's only 2 days a week...

    Thanks have a great day!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Though I still want to lose weight...I've let myself start believing that i am hungrier for food than i am hungry to be thin. Slipping back into old standby behaviors....not a good sign. need to refocus and work on portion size, choosing the right foods (planning ahead esp. with the new job that has longer hours) and making time to move. I haven't "worked out" in WAY too long. i see what works, I've proved tht I can do this If i work at it...but I just have to make it my priority again!
    Fleur933... I know the feeling of slipping back to old habits. Beat it before it gets you! You can do this! We're all here for you too! :drinker: Something that helps me is cutting portions in half before eating them. I also enjoy using smaller bowls and plates, and eating with chopsticks, to slow down, enjoy my food, and let the feeling of fullness take all the time it needs before I wolf everything down in 5 minutes.

    cms3398... You've got the SAME number problem as me!! I've been at it ALL YEAR! We're gonna get through this! :drinker: