Help! Huge HRM discrepancy?

Hopefully someone out there can help me with this....

I have been tracking my Turbo Jam workouts as 40 minutes high impact cardio, which equals 392 calories on MFP. I bought a heart rate monitor on the weekend, and tried it out to see how close I came in terms of caloric burn. Well, the HRM tells me that I only burned 152 calories doing that same workout, and yet my heart was working at 85% max or above? Trust me, I'm working hard and sweating buckets (and I use the weighted gloves), but 152 calories? Geez at this rate I'll have to do cardio three hours a day to make any progress. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance.


  • crux
    crux Posts: 454 Member
    Did you accurately input your age, height, weight etc into the monitor and wet the chest strap sensors before starting?

    Other things to look out for is accidentally hitting a pause button
  • marthafox1
    marthafox1 Posts: 191 Member
    Either you are uber fit - or your new HRM needs new batteries. 152 cals sounds pretty low for a 40 minute high impact workout. You sure you aren't looking at the average heart rate for the workout? As Crux says, make sure you have it set up correctly as well.