Juice Fast??

A few of my friends have boughten juicers.. and are now in LOVE with making healthy juice. One went on a 10 day Juice fast, she made her own juice with lots of veggies and fruit. She said she never felt so good in all her life and that she lost 7 pounds.

I am confused and am wondering if this is something I should be doing?

Let me note that I dont want a "gimick" to quickly loose weight.. my friend said the juice fast helped her body to eliminate many "toxins" in her body and that is what made her feel so well, her skin smoother, her nails growing faster,



  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Juicing is great and a really fast way to get nutrients into your blood. You don't have to "fast" to do it and certainly not for a week. Why don't you try a mini fast (a weekend). You should limit your physical activity and rest during that 2 or 3 days. Then add juice to your diet. They make great morning and afternoon snacks and add variety to your diet. Fresh juice tastes like nothing you buy so be prepared - They are incredible and they are food.
  • JRMcCaghren
    I just finished a 3 day water fast. By the third day, I was sick. My muscles were weak and I had to lay in bed a lot of the day. I've never done a juice fast. Perhaps they would be better since you're getting some nutrition. I would just say be careful and good luck.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead." It does a great job describing in detail, the juicing journey undertaken by the filmmaker. It is available on NetFlix, if you have that service.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Not a good way to go. The body needs carbohydrates, protein and a whole list of vitamins and minerals to function. Carbs are your brain food, you need at least 50 grams a day for your brain to even work! I think fasting and gimmicks are scary. You can do some real, lasting damage to your body by fasting, or limiting yourself to just one type of food. Yes, you would probably lose weight, but your metabolism would slow down, and your body would end up eating healthy muscle tissue. Don't do it. Change your eating habits to healthy ones, with a huge array of different foods, and exercise every day, that is the way to a truly healthy and happy body.
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    Not a good way to go. The body needs carbohydrates, protein and a whole list of vitamins and minerals to function. Carbs are your brain food, you need at least 50 grams a day for your brain to even work!

    Fruits and vegetables are full of carbs though, so I don't think that's the real issue here. If it were me, I think I would be more at risk of binging from not being able to chew anything for a week! This definitely isn't the worst thing you can do for yourself, but you should probably find a way to incorporate protein into the fast as fruits and veggies have very little of it. If you want to go all liquids you can maybe do some smoothies with some whey protein too? I'd be interested to know your results. Good luck!
  • try2basunbeam
    I did a 10-day juice fast. It was hard. I was starving the first few days, but then the hunger went away. After 10 days, I felt so deprived I ate a burger and ended up throwing it up. I lost 10 pounds but gained back---you don't want to know how much I gained back. That was my experience. Bought the juicer, fasted for 10days and now it's stored in the basement collecting dust.

    Juices are good tasting and good for you but I personally think the whole toxins thing is off. You can lose those same toxins by eliminating processed "food" garbage. Drinking fresh juices for a few days doesn't cure anything, IMHO. On the other hand, fresh juice is very very good for you, but the fruit is better--has fiber and way less sugars because you eat one orange but can "Drink" four. If you struggle with eating your veggies, it's a great way to get a BUNCH of veggies into your body except with zero fiber. But you need the fiber. Guess I'm just not convinced of the benefits of juicing.
  • busterrocks
    busterrocks Posts: 35 Member
    I second jdhosier's advice. He (the guy who made "Fat Sick and Nearly Daed') also has a website that guides you through the juice fast, no matter how long you decide to do it, and helps you with what to eat as you start back with solid food. I think I'm going to give this a try later in the year.

    The website is jointhereboot.com
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I watched the add and I have to ask "why all or nothing". From your diary it looks like you do have trouble with veg and you're not getting many calories. I'd dump the fast food as much as you can and add juice to the good stuff that is in your day. The less you accept macdonalds food substitute as something you are willing to tolerate, the more good stuff will appear in your diary. You will then feel better and look better. “All or nothing” is not usually an option you can live with for long and it’s usually not the best thing for your body, your mind or your soul so how about “some”. Some is fabulous :wink:
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    Minus this past weekend (in which I needed to go grocery shopping BAD and could not make it to the store) I usually do eat fruits and veggies daily..pretty basic but salad, carrots and apples I almost have daily, along with steamed veggies for dinner. Plus Ive had a kidney infection.. so drinking cranberry juice this past week.. something I normally dont do. I admit I do need to stay away from fast food.. Im getting better (usually now only plain hamburgers) but need to plan better for when Im on the go and cant stop home between work and kids activities. My calories are also tracked by my Dr.. I have some health issues.. and this is the amount of calories that has been working for me. I dont feel like Im starving.. feel full most of the time.. and I feel energized and plus Ive been losing weight.

    I also dont want or expect to do such a fast to get rid of weight, its more of a get rid of toxins, feel healthier, thing for me, if I were to do it at all.

    Thanks for all the great tips! If I get my hands on a juicer this is something Im going to try for a few days
  • Arynamber
    Arynamber Posts: 162 Member
    I follow this blog and she is doing a juice fast now.. http://www.exhotgirl.com/
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    I also dont want or expect to do such a fast to get rid of weight, its more of a get rid of toxins,

    Don't believe in woo:

  • losingitforsummer
    losingitforsummer Posts: 20 Member
    I bought a juicer and I use it on a regular basis. I'm not sure I would go ALL juice and no solids for an extended period of time. Doing mini-fasts seems reasonable. One of the issues I have wondered about is the lack of fiber and protein, especially if I am working out or exercising (muscles need protein to rebuild). I do like the idea of adding extra servings of vegetables by juicing, that way I know I am getting enough nutrients in my food. The movie “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” was very inspiring, I think it had more to do with his determination and goal setting to get healthy that changed his life
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Yes, there are carbs in veggies, but do you have any idea how many veggies you have to consume to get the recommend 130 grams per day?

    Our bodies need nutrients from all sources of foods. Limiting them put the body at risk. Flushing with water is and eating clean is a better idea to get rid of toxins.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    A few of my friends have boughten juicers.. and are now in LOVE with making healthy juice. One went on a 10 day Juice fast, she made her own juice with lots of veggies and fruit. She said she never felt so good in all her life and that she lost 7 pounds.

    I am confused and am wondering if this is something I should be doing?

    Let me note that I dont want a "gimick" to quickly loose weight.. my friend said the juice fast helped her body to eliminate many "toxins" in her body and that is what made her feel so well, her skin smoother, her nails growing faster,


    "Let me note that I don't want a "gimmick" to quickly lose weight.." -Then don't.

    Also, 7 pounds in 10 days? That would be a 5,000 calorie/day deficit... or dehydration. My vote is for dehydration.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    A few of my friends have boughten juicers.. and are now in LOVE with making healthy juice. One went on a 10 day Juice fast, she made her own juice with lots of veggies and fruit. She said she never felt so good in all her life and that she lost 7 pounds.

    I am confused and am wondering if this is something I should be doing?

    Let me note that I dont want a "gimick" to quickly loose weight.. my friend said the juice fast helped her body to eliminate many "toxins" in her body and that is what made her feel so well, her skin smoother, her nails growing faster,


    I'm glad that your friends are enjoying the juicers they've boughten, but why did they boughten them just to use for 10 days? If I'm going to spendadid that much money on something, it better be something I will use for more than 10 days.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I dare you to use the search function to see what others have said about juice fasts.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    What exactly is it to "boughten" a juicer? Is this some hip new term?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    What exactly is it to "boughten" a juicer? Is this some hip new term?
    Them's foughten words!
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    "What exactly is it to "boughten" a juicer? Is this some hip new term?"


    I was wondering the same thing!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    What exactly is it to "boughten" a juicer? Is this some hip new term?

    I was thoughten the same thing . . .